
MarkVII88 t1_iwdhv5q wrote

Reply to comment by Pyroechidna1 in Friend for my wife by abitdaft1776

I don't live in a part of VT where that is likely to happen due to proximity of multiple, staffed FD's with overlapping coverage in my area. So, while that may be a concern in some places, it's not for me.


MarkVII88 t1_iwbtq86 wrote

Reply to comment by Pyroechidna1 in Friend for my wife by abitdaft1776

Only if you care about being some kind of pillar of the community. What if you just want to pay your taxes, keep your mouth shut, live your life, and occasionally have some folks over for dinner or to watch the game on TV, or to go out cycling or skiing with, for example?


MarkVII88 t1_ivyjp5g wrote

I'm too cynical to believe these scumbags are ever going to be caught and held accountable for what they did re: stolen car and damage to your neighbor's house. What's worse is that, even if these individuals are captured, the chances of ever getting any financial restitution from them is essentially nonexistent. Screw these people!


MarkVII88 t1_ivp1rs1 wrote

Reply to comment by Twombls in Why Phil Scott again? by rufustphish

I agree with you. Just because you have experience being poor, raising a family in VT, and just because you purport to care SOOO MUCH, doesn't mean you're qualified to be Governor.

Additionally, during the VPR Governor candidate debate, when talking about climate change, greenhouse gases, and electric vehicles, they were talking about the price of buying electric vehicles. Yes, electric vehicles are expensive. Scott said something about expanding programs that refurbish and sell used electric vehicles for prices like $10-15K as more affordable options. Siegel responded by saying that for many families across VT, including hers, buying a used car for $10K is just not an option.

I don't think I want someone as my Governor who can't afford to buy a $10K used car.


MarkVII88 t1_ivp0j2g wrote

Reply to comment by Hagardy in Why Phil Scott again? by rufustphish

After incumbent Gov. Peter Shumlin nearly lost in 2014, not getting 50% of the votes, the winner was determined by the legislature, as VT Law dictates. If he had tried to run again in 2016, rather than stepping aside, Shumlin would have surely been the first VT incumbent governor that lost since 1962.


MarkVII88 t1_ivoocuy wrote

Phil Scott is a down-to-earth, intelligent, and reasonable politician. He's not a right-wing nut-job trying to "put women in their place", lying about voting fraud, who courts extremists, and is racist. Scott did and is doing a very good job re: COVID and was very up-front and accessible to answer tough questions. I don't agree with everything Scott has done as Governor, but I think he takes a measured and reasonable approach to achieve incremental progress while addressing major issues. I prefer this approach to that proposed by many Progressives, where they demand major, sweeping, expensive changes all at once. Seems like a ready, fire, aim mindset to achieve change for change's sake. On balance I appreciate what Phil Scott has done and how he's done it.

Here's a story I have about Phil Scott:

About 10 years ago, when Scott was still Lt. Governor, I personally built a large deck at my home. My father-in-law joked with me about how the deck was so solid that it could have sunk the Titanic. With that on my mind, later on, I wrote to the Lt. Governor's office and invited Phil Scott to attend a BBQ at my house we were having to celebrate the new deck. I relayed what my father-in-law had said about the deck, and asked if the Lt. Governor would come to perform a ceremonial christening, as part of his official duties, like what happens with new sea-going vessels.

Phil Scott's chief of staff at the time, wrote back to me to say that the Lt. Governor had a previous engagement that afternoon, but that he was truly disappointed he could not attend. About a week later, driving through my town, my wife saw Phil Scott's car parked outside one of our local shops. We knew it was his car because of the VT Government license plate with number "2". She went into the store and walked right up to Phil Scott, introduced herself, and said we really missed him at our deck christening party. He knew who we were, was very gracious, and honestly did wish he could have come to have a burger and a beer with us on the new deck.

I think Phil Scott is an honest and classy politician when those two traits seem to be more the exception than the norm these days.


MarkVII88 t1_ivbx4td wrote

Reply to loud ass jets by [deleted]

I know you can't hear it, because of the jets, but somewhere there's a tiny violin playing to mourn the loss of your Sunday.


MarkVII88 t1_iv58a0x wrote

Isn't that what I also said in my comment? Didn't I suggest that not having a formal lease, or potentially any other contracts in writing, was a dumb ass thing to do, which ultimately put Harrison in this position. This was a bad business decision. Owners of Pangaea are OK because they're the ones with the space, and they decided they could do better at the food and the coffee without Harrison in the middle. Harrison screwed herself by thinking some back of the napkin, handshake deal was good enough. I don't have any sympathy for her. Sure as shit she'll get the next agreement in writing though.