
MarketMan123 t1_j269g5n wrote

This one confuses me.

At a big bank there are thousands of people working there, so it’s pretty easy for everyone to say they just never crossed paths with him. Contrast that with HM, which has about 150 kids in each grade.

I went to a religious school with grades that small and I’m pretty sure I know the name and face of every kid in my grade (and if I’m unsure, 15 years later I still have a yearbook to look at!)

Maybe he figured nobody who actually went to HM would be caught dead living in a district like his?


MarketMan123 t1_j21ekt1 wrote

I know, I'm one of them :-)

The only reasons to stay in the greater NYC/JC area if you work from home are family or because you enjoy the community, culture, etc. So, unless your family is there, what would be the point in living somewhere like that which is relatively expensive and inconvenient?

If you are going to move over there and work from home, you might as well move to suburbia, if not even further away from this metropolis with its very high cost of living.

TL;DR the area might be a worthwhile investment because it has future potential, but living there at the moment has very little going for it.


MarketMan123 t1_j213hzl wrote

I almost moved over there last year thinking it was a neighborhood ripe for redevelopment. The problem is for my wife at least the commute time was twice as long as it would be in central queens (she worked in the east village at the time) and comparable to Journal Square, but with an extra transfer.

The only way the area makes sense is if you work in Lower Manhattan or downtown JC. Or if the area becomes a destination of its own, which I know there were/are efforts to make it into.

(Then there is the issue of the JC public school system vs the NYC one. But thats a whole other can of worms)


MarketMan123 t1_iva0jq4 wrote

The “millennial subsidy” is starting to disappear.

Meanwhile, this whole idea of “build a following by being real cheap and operating in the red and they’ll stick with us when we raise prices” is proving to be very false (or maybe its a "play long game, bet it all" strategy that is very high risk/high reward)

When Amazon stops refunding me for everything and offering free return shipping my whole life will change. I know the day is coming though.


MarketMan123 OP t1_it7e0kg wrote

I went to the Broadway this morning, didn't see you there :-( .

Seemed like a nice place, but I made the mistake of getting the chicken n' waffles. Those were no chicken n waffles like they make in Harlem....

It was a last-minute change of mind as the waitress was taking my order because I saw it listed under specialties. Honestly, I should have known better. I would definitely go back there...