MarmalAIDs OP t1_jdi91ma wrote
Reply to comment by classy-mother-pupper in To challenge a school bus camera ticket, potential issue from bus driver. by MarmalAIDs
I appreciate your help. Thank you.
MarmalAIDs OP t1_jdi7i5w wrote
Reply to comment by Mrstucco in To challenge a school bus camera ticket, potential issue from bus driver. by MarmalAIDs
Youd be right if the bus HAD visible hazards on at hundreds of yards away, but the hazards werent on until somepoint between traveling closer to the van and as the ground flattened out. Between then and me passing the van and bus was roughly a block. The bus didnt have hazards for that time.
I like that the camera shows when the yellow lights are on, but im curious if this is the entire video too; if so, then the driver clearly only had hazards on for a couple feet from the stop. From my memory compared to this video, there wouldnt be much of a time difference, and they possibly passed a couple cars length of distance if somehow the lights turned on as soon as thr bus was out of view. I drive around buses plenty, they have their flashers on for a long distance before the stop.
Thank you for your thorough response!
MarmalAIDs OP t1_jdi5gpr wrote
Reply to comment by 111victories in To challenge a school bus camera ticket, potential issue from bus driver. by MarmalAIDs
This was something Ive read on the back of my ticket. The wording of that felt confusing to me, like it looks like it says no points/suspension would happen, but then again that just doesnt...seem right lol like I HAVE to be reading it wrong to have title 1535 list the points, but my ticket says im not going to lose points.
EDIT: You're correct! No points or insurance hikes if its just a camera that catches you. It's different if police catch it happening.
This puts me at ease, you and 814lifechanging are good people.
MarmalAIDs OP t1_jdi4fxl wrote
Reply to comment by throwawayamd14 in To challenge a school bus camera ticket, potential issue from bus driver. by MarmalAIDs
Looking at the front of the car, see how it dips and lowers speed similarly to the van that did make a full stop? Is the basis of slowing movement just off of one light from behind when ive passed the bus?
Youre right on the hatchlight position, just not the model year.
MarmalAIDs OP t1_jdi1bb2 wrote
Reply to comment by throwawayamd14 in To challenge a school bus camera ticket, potential issue from bus driver. by MarmalAIDs
Wrong model year but thanks.
They are the brake lights if you look further into the video when the back brake lights go off when I let go of them. Youre full of shit on two counts my friend.
MarmalAIDs OP t1_jdhzyfu wrote
Reply to comment by SuggestAPhotoProject in To challenge a school bus camera ticket, potential issue from bus driver. by MarmalAIDs
Sounds like you are one of those school children
MarmalAIDs OP t1_jdhyqvd wrote
Reply to comment by walkamok in To challenge a school bus camera ticket, potential issue from bus driver. by MarmalAIDs
The van got to witness potentially 4 seconds of yellow lights/part of the stop sign opening before the van was no longer obscuring my view, 4 seconds of time I didnt have in relation to the view of the bus being blocked by the van. Up the hill further back the bus was on lower ground and was visible from a further distance, but as the ground leveled the van blocked what would be where the bus stopped. The bus didnt have hazards/stop sign deployed when I was witnessing them driving ahead before the van obscured the view.
Also why i emphasize the 150-300ft the driver needed, as that would have been plenty of time and distance to inform me and the van to slow down to a stop (compared to the van slamming their breaks and me being out of view)
MarmalAIDs OP t1_jdhuzoy wrote
Reply to comment by throwawayamd14 in To challenge a school bus camera ticket, potential issue from bus driver. by MarmalAIDs
Literally its the law for them to turn hazards on at 150-300 ft, which they didnt. That van pm slammed on their breaks
MarmalAIDs OP t1_jdhtzsi wrote
Reply to comment by throwawayamd14 in To challenge a school bus camera ticket, potential issue from bus driver. by MarmalAIDs
Slower than i was going from the obscures view behind the van, and my brake lights are on till I eventually passed the bus. I sure didnt slam on the breaks within the 1-2 meters from the front of the van as I couldnt even see what the van was stopping for. As posted below, I was a block away and saw the bus (should add the area before goes downhill slightly, and can see further ahead then when the road flattens out towars where the video takes place.)
MarmalAIDs OP t1_jdht82x wrote
Reply to comment by throwawayamd14 in To challenge a school bus camera ticket, potential issue from bus driver. by MarmalAIDs
I saw the bus going up the road about a block away, they didnt have hazards/stop sign on at the time. Whats not shown on video is how long the hazards have been on, which from my experience seeing the bus a block away with no lights before approaching closer to the stop means they only had their hazards on for potentially any of that time and distance. From the distance they may have traveled, it was under 150ft undoubtedly.
MarmalAIDs OP t1_jdhs0ny wrote
Reply to comment by throwawayamd14 in To challenge a school bus camera ticket, potential issue from bus driver. by MarmalAIDs
My brake lights were on, I was braking. I started slowing as the result of the van before seeing the bus behind them. For all I know they couldve been turning without a turn signal before the bus was there
MarmalAIDs OP t1_jdhrpmd wrote
Reply to comment by SuggestAPhotoProject in To challenge a school bus camera ticket, potential issue from bus driver. by MarmalAIDs
Saying 'just take the ticket' is a bozo move tbh. At least contribute something worthwhile instead of repeating what other individuals effortless posts contain
MarmalAIDs OP t1_jdhrdlv wrote
Reply to comment by Er3bus13 in To challenge a school bus camera ticket, potential issue from bus driver. by MarmalAIDs
Guess that bus driver should have indicated he was picking up kids with speeding cars going towards them. Imagine if I was behind the van, wouldve hit them instead because someone didnt do their job lol
MarmalAIDs OP t1_jdhr4ri wrote
Reply to comment by 111victories in To challenge a school bus camera ticket, potential issue from bus driver. by MarmalAIDs
Im in Delco too.
If it's certainly just the $300, then awesome. Thats like just a day or 2 of work, vs 2 months of no work via suspension lol.
MarmalAIDs OP t1_jdhozaz wrote
Reply to comment by classy-mother-pupper in To challenge a school bus camera ticket, potential issue from bus driver. by MarmalAIDs
Now THIS is a good post.
That news article says no points for camera tickets, but penndot says points for this on title 75 1535, but then again Ive never gotten a ticket before in this state from a camera, only one from a police officer for speeding once. Have you (or someone you know) gotten a camera ticket in state to know if Title 75 1535 applies?
MarmalAIDs OP t1_jdhnowo wrote
Reply to comment by hic_maneo in To challenge a school bus camera ticket, potential issue from bus driver. by MarmalAIDs
Youre a cop. Admit it, take the advice, keep it to yourself, and move on with your nonsense
MarmalAIDs OP t1_jdhndfd wrote
Reply to comment by colormeslowly in To challenge a school bus camera ticket, potential issue from bus driver. by MarmalAIDs
Youve actually looked vs some of these bozos who just say take the ticket lol, i appriciate you. Sadly, while you are correct on this, I was hoping to see if the bus driver not following the law for what they need to do before the stop (hazarads on 150-300ft before the stop).
MarmalAIDs OP t1_jdhmqw2 wrote
Reply to comment by Peaceoorwar in To challenge a school bus camera ticket, potential issue from bus driver. by MarmalAIDs
I get what youre saying. The ticket said theyd need me to list someone if it wasnt me.
Yes 5 points and 60 days suspension is mandatory in PA from what Ive found
MarmalAIDs OP t1_jdhla82 wrote
Reply to comment by Logan_Holmes in To challenge a school bus camera ticket, potential issue from bus driver. by MarmalAIDs
The sign was still opening as I passed it. Regardless, the distance of 150-300ft is required of bus drivers on Penndots bus drivers manual, which is what im wondering would help here.
MarmalAIDs OP t1_jdhkg38 wrote
Reply to comment by walkamok in To challenge a school bus camera ticket, potential issue from bus driver. by MarmalAIDs
While I feel the being blocked by a vehicle thing is 'opinion', the bus driver not having hazards on at 150-300ft is a law bus drivers adhear to. Like a bus driver not following the law to inform other drivers of their imminent stop should be a valid enough reason, right?
MarmalAIDs OP t1_jdhidde wrote
Reply to comment by Logan_Holmes in To challenge a school bus camera ticket, potential issue from bus driver. by MarmalAIDs
MarmalAIDs OP t1_jdic02u wrote
Reply to comment by 814lifechanging in To challenge a school bus camera ticket, potential issue from bus driver. by MarmalAIDs
I called the number on my ticket.
Apparently, no points or insurance hikes from when it's a camera. If a police officer witnesses it or pulls you over, then it could be different. Maybe a police officer witnessed your husband but didn't pull him over.