
MarvelsGrantMan136 OP t1_jbplsrx wrote

>Bedrock catches up with the Flintstone family two decades later, with Fred on the brink of retirement and 20-something Pebbles embarking on her own career. As the Stone Age gives way to a shiny and enlightened new Bronze Age, the residents of Bedrock will find this evolution harder than a swing from Bamm-Bamm’s club.


  • Elizabeth Banks as Pebbles
  • Stephen Root as Fred
  • Amy Sedaris as Wilma
  • Nicole Byer as Betty
  • Joe Lo Trulio as Barney
  • Manny Jacinto as Bam Bam.

MarvelsGrantMan136 OP t1_j9wa5le wrote

Offerman and Mullally were confirmed yesterday, with Netflix making it official along with Cross:

  • Nick Offerman - Dr. Gene Thibedeau

  • Megan Mullally - Dr. Jean Thibedeau:

>A married pair of community college professors from New Mexico who wear sensible footwear and suffer from the most extreme case of deja vu this timeline has ever seen.

  • David Cross - Sy Grossman:

>An upstanding, shy business owner and family man desperate to reconnect with his estranged daughter, who will stop at nothing to get her back.


MarvelsGrantMan136 OP t1_j9quzdt wrote


>The novel follows an elderly Briton couple, Axl and Beatrice, living in a fictional post-Arthurian England in which no one is able to retain long-term memories.

>Del Toro will produce as well as direct, and is co-writing the script with Matilda the Musical scribe Dennis Kelly.


MarvelsGrantMan136 OP t1_j6nqfwu wrote

Chapter 1: Gods and Monsters

Creature Commandos:

>An animated seven episode series, written by Gunn, that is already in production. Originally a team of classic monsters assembled to fight Nazis, this is a modern take on the concept. The voice actors have yet to be cast but the executives are looking to find people who can voice the animated characters and also portray the live-action versions when the anti-heroes to show up in movies and shows.


>A spin-off of Gunn’s own HBO Max hit series, Peacemaker, Viola Davis will return as the ruthless and morally ambiguous head of a government task force. It is being written by Christal Henry (Watchmen) and Jeremy Carver, the creator of the Doom Patrol TV series.


>Greg Berlanti’s long-in-the-works Green Lanterns TV series has been scrapped and the duo have parted ways with the longtime DC series steward. In its place will be a new take on the space cops with power rings. “Our vision for this is very much in the vein of True Detective,” Safran described. “It’s terrestrial-based.” It will feature prominent Lantern heroes Hal Jordan and John Stewart and is one of the most important shows they have in development. “This plays a really big role in leading into the main story we are telling across film and TV.”

Paradise Lost:

>The duo describe this HBO Max series as a Game of Thrones-style drama set on the all-female island that is Wonder Woman’s birthplace, Themyscira, filled with political intrigue and scheming between power players. It takes place before the events of the Wonder Woman films.

Booster Gold:

>an HBO Max series based on a unique and lower-tiered hero created in 1986. Safran said of the series, “It’s about a loser from the future who uses basic future technology to come back to today and pretend to be a superhero.” Gunn described it as “imposter syndrome as superhero.”


MarvelsGrantMan136 OP t1_j6jfgjg wrote

Lisa Hanawalt, Creator and Executive Producer of Tuca & Bertie:

>“I originally created Tuca & Bertie for Netflix, but when they cancelled it after just one season, we fought to get the series picked up at Warner’s Adult Swim network. The women-led series had been a cult hit and a critical darling—the Warner execs knew it needed advertising support and time to grow viewers in the male-dominated adult animation space. But the merger went through right before the most recent season launched, and almost everyone who worked on the Tuca & Bertie marketing team was laid off. Then several of the show’s main executives at Adult Swim and HBO Max left in the turmoil. Planned marketing projects to promote the new season didn’t happen. Then we learned the show had been cancelled. It’s already harder for shows centered on women, and this merger cost us the support we needed to thrive.”

Claudia Forestieri, Creator and Executive Producer of Gordita Chronicles:

>“I got into television to counter the negative mainstream stereotypes about Latino communities and tell stories like Gordita Chronicles, which features a young Dominican girl who immigrates with her family to Miami. The showrunner and I did everything in our power to set the show up for success, and the first season was showered with positive reviews and strong viewership numbers. But after the merger, HBO Max was given a new mandate from its Discovery leadership to cut costs and Gordita Chronicles was cancelled just five weeks after first airing, and will now even be removed from the platform. The studio executives claimed the cancellation reflected HBO ‘rebranding’—by implication, away from shows about Latino families. This merger has provided pretty stark and immediate evidence that industry consolidation not only harms diversity and inclusion, but can also contribute to the erasure of U.S. Latinos.”

Moisés Zamora, Creator and Executive Producer of Whistleblower:

>“I created a drama that focused on women lawyers and advocates who fought against a culture of sexual harassment and corruption in the U.S. military, achieving historic gains after the murder of Mexican American soldier Vanessa Guillén at Fort Hood. After a competitive bidding process with multiple outlets, I sold Whistleblower to HBO Max in February 2021. During development, we received only compliments from our executives. The leads were three BIPOC women, and it was a story I was excited to tell. Despite it all, the series was cancelled soon after the merger, before it went into production. The press speculation is that the new company is focusing more on what’s seen as ‘Middle America’ content. But Black, Asian, and Latinx communities are Middle America too.”


MarvelsGrantMan136 OP t1_j1e5s8i wrote


>Brown was arrested and booked on misdemeanor domestic violence charges Thursday, an officer with the Lima police department told The Hollywood Reporter. Local authorities were called to a residence on the 400 block of Baxter Street following a report of a fight around 9:30 a.m., according to a police report.

>Brown was already at the residence, according to the report, when another man who identified himself as Brown’s brother and the home’s owner arrived to the former actor yelling. Brown allegedly threatened the victim with a hammer and “broken off knife blade.” Police recovered both items involved in the incident from within the house.


MarvelsGrantMan136 OP t1_j0sctxv wrote


>Ten and a half years ago I got my dream job. The first actual work day I tried to be very cool and make it look like I knew what I was doing and I was supposed to be there,” she said. “I left that night around 11 after saying goodbye to everyone. I got stuck wandering around the building because none of the elevators went to the first floor and I was trying so hard to avoid having to go back upstairs to ask for help because I’d already said goodbye!!!”

>I’m sorry I’ve been a little quiet about it publicly. I didn’t want the extra pressure on something already so emotional for me, and I’m so grateful I got to have these wonderful past six shows to help me ease into it and get to meet and laugh and probably overly hug Molly, Marcello, Devon, and Michael who I think are not only brilliantly funny but really great humans. I am ready to go, but I’ll always know home is here. I’ve had the time of my life working with the greatest people on earth.