Masspoint OP t1_j6o03px wrote
Reply to comment by StrangeWorldd in Biggest landmarks in video gaming history 1975-2020 by Masspoint
Not really, but there is only so much space. I guess I should have put braid in there.
Masspoint OP t1_j6nzwdc wrote
Reply to comment by Far_Cup5691 in Biggest landmarks in video gaming history 1975-2020 by Masspoint
I could be incorrect, I don't know everything about every title, I did put super mario world in there at first though but took it out because from the description it did a lot of things great, and had great reception but didn't really stand out for anything else.
Since I had to cut somewhere I took it out, same for secret of monkey island.
I did play both games though.
Masspoint OP t1_j6nytgq wrote
Reply to comment by wackshot55 in Biggest landmarks in video gaming history 1975-2020 by Masspoint
I have to cut somewhere.
edit: as you can see 2007 is already stacked
Masspoint OP t1_j6nybt6 wrote
Reply to comment by Affogato9 in Biggest landmarks in video gaming history 1975-2020 by Masspoint
Frankly I don't know enough about ultima online to put it in there, I might have been incorrect about this.
Masspoint OP t1_j6nwu7z wrote
Reply to comment by pabulosl in Biggest landmarks in video gaming history 1975-2020 by Masspoint
This isn't really about best games or how good games are but more how they stand out from a technological point of view and create new standards, or just stand out for whatever reason.
I'm not going to debate god of war isn't a great game, and I have doubted many times to put it in there. But apart from being a great game I can't really see a reason for it, and to put all great games in there for 45 years, I would need a lot more room.
Masspoint OP t1_j6n336x wrote
Reply to comment by mickelboy182 in So I heard you like sci fi survival horror... by Masspoint
re7 isn't that scary if you don't believe in ghosts.
Masspoint OP t1_j6n2u3m wrote
Reply to comment by DomiNatron2212 in So I heard you like sci fi survival horror... by Masspoint
yes they class it as fps, you what other games are fps?
almost every 3d game out there that isn't a third person shooter.
Masspoint t1_j6mvcy9 wrote
The thing is when you look at the history how (semi) open world games originated it has a couple of reasons but a very notable one is the hidden wall..
It's something you never hear anymore but a major complaint of many gamers was the hidden wall. A 2 feet fence you can't jump over, or just literally a hidden wall that you can't move anymore in that direction because the game doesn't allow you.
That breaks immersion and (semi) open world gameplay is a good way to counter that. With semi I'm talking about games like halo, big maps, but (hidden) walls of the maps are intertwined with the envirmonment, like cliffs or mountains.
Open world gameplay also became more popular because you could offer more content but a lot of developpers cheaped out in this regard by making missions dull with rehashed content and ubisoft is probably the worst in this (you mentioned captured this outpost and the first thing I had to think about was ubi's far cry series).
Maybe you should try the real successor of the first far cry, which is not far cry 2 but crysis. Allthough far cry 2 is one of the best far cry's imo, but that has a lot to do with the fact that ubisoft had to compete with crytek, who made the original far cry and also crysis.
Masspoint OP t1_j6mr63c wrote
Reply to comment by ScampersInATuxedo in So I heard you like sci fi survival horror... by Masspoint
Have you tried playing it on survivor difficulty?
Masspoint OP t1_j6moeoz wrote
Reply to comment by Loccyskillz in So I heard you like sci fi survival horror... by Masspoint
yeah I understand what you mean, but how bioshock creates the atmosphere is more of psychological horror.
Dead space is very good in what it does obviously, but the story doesn't have the depth bioshock has.
Masspoint OP t1_j6mnqrv wrote
Reply to comment by Crazy_Canuck78 in So I heard you like sci fi survival horror... by Masspoint
I agree if you play on normal it becomes more action horror than survival horror quickly.
But if you up the difficulty level...
Masspoint OP t1_j6maxdf wrote
Reply to comment by PhxRising29 in So I heard you like sci fi survival horror... by Masspoint
Even later on the wiki page , the influence of survival horror becomes a lot more apparent
The game's lead level designer was Bill Gardner.[37] He cited Capcom's survival horror series Resident Evil as a significant influence on BioShock, stating there are "all these nods and all these little elements that I think you can see where Resident Evil inspired us". The team were particularly influenced by Resident Evil 4,
including its approach to the environments, combat, and tools, its game
design and tactical elements, its "gameplay fuelled storytelling" and
inventory system, and its opening village level in terms of how it
"handled the sandbox nature of the combat" and in terms of "the
It's also the spiritual successor of system shock 2, which is classed as a action role playing survival horror game.
Bioshock has more action in it though, hence that's probably why they classed is as an fps game, but that's a very broad description, call of duty is also a first person shooter.
Masspoint OP t1_j6manev wrote
Reply to comment by Voidsterx in So I heard you like sci fi survival horror... by Masspoint
from wiki
The game's lead level designer was Bill Gardner. He cited Capcom's survival horror series Resident Evil as a significant influence on BioShock, stating there are "all these nods and all these little elements that I think you can see where Resident Evil inspired us". The team were particularly influenced by Resident Evil 4,
including its approach to the environments, combat, and tools, its game
design and tactical elements, its "gameplay fuelled storytelling" and
inventory system, and its opening village level in terms of how it
"handled the sandbox nature of the combat" and in terms of "the
Masspoint OP t1_j6m9xwn wrote
Reply to comment by rainbowdolphin1234 in So I heard you like sci fi survival horror... by Masspoint
I understand that but many of the games of the x360/ps3 era do benefit from the higher resolution though, especially if you want to play them in this day and age.
They did some improvements on the artwork as well.
Masspoint OP t1_j6m9t7i wrote
Reply to comment by CCGamesSteve in So I heard you like sci fi survival horror... by Masspoint
oh I'm not much of a reader actually but I might give it a go.
Masspoint OP t1_j6m9r45 wrote
Reply to comment by WorldsBiggestNarcist in So I heard you like sci fi survival horror... by Masspoint
it was just an example for comparison sake
Masspoint OP t1_j6m3k0z wrote
Reply to comment by VenomousApex in So I heard you like sci fi survival horror... by Masspoint
Well bioshock is a lot more timeless than other titles from that time. I for instance played it on a 8800 gtx back in the day and that card was simply double as powerfull as what you got in x360 and ps3, and the game did make use of that extra power for graphical fidelity, resolution aside.
That's one thing, the game is also known for its amazing art direction even more so than dead space.
So while this is only a remaster, you won't be dissappointed. Heck you can even still play the original and it will hold up better than the original dead space, because of the amazing art direction. In that sense the game is way better than dead space or resident evil 2 remake for that matter.
By many it's considered as the best game of all time. I would still have to give that to resident evil 4 personally, but this game does hold up way better than re 4 though but that's also because it's part of the x360/ps3 generation, resident evil 4 is made for the wii, which is basically a glorified gamecube (xbox original/ps2 generation)
Masspoint OP t1_j6m38pr wrote
Reply to comment by Xerazal in So I heard you like sci fi survival horror... by Masspoint
yes but you can pretty much define a lot of games as first person or third person shooters.
It is the spiritual successor to system shock 2, and that is classed as an action role playing survival horror game, and in many ways that is what bioshock is as well.
But it does has a lot more action though, and further in the game, when your character gets stronger, that action becomes a much bigger part, so that's why the devs kept things simple and they just called it a first person shooter, but so is call of duty, and those games aren't even comparable.
Bioshock might not be a pure horror game there a lot of references to it, even by the devs itself, from wiki.
The game's lead level designer was Bill Gardner. He cited Capcom's survival horror series Resident Evil as a significant influence on BioShock, stating there are "all these nods and all these little elements that I think you can see where Resident Evil inspired us". The team were particularly influenced by Resident Evil 4, including its approach to the environments, combat, and tools, its game design and tactical elements, its "gameplay fuelled storytelling" and inventory system, and its opening village level in terms of how it "handled the sandbox nature of the combat" and in terms of "the environment".
Masspoint OP t1_j6lxls8 wrote
Reply to comment by o0_bobbo_0o in So I heard you like sci fi survival horror... by Masspoint
maybe you should have tried to increase the difficulty
Masspoint OP t1_j6lxacp wrote
Reply to comment by thewdfthr in So I heard you like sci fi survival horror... by Masspoint
sorry to hear that, you were about halfway through, maybe restart?
or isn't there anything you can do via the console
Masspoint OP t1_j6lx0hg wrote
Reply to comment by the_npc_man in So I heard you like sci fi survival horror... by Masspoint
I really don't understand how you can't see bioshock as horror, maybe I'm just soft I don't know, but I personally find bioshock more scary than dead space.
Masspoint OP t1_j6lwn3a wrote
Reply to comment by Bananaslamma24 in So I heard you like sci fi survival horror... by Masspoint
I don't need to decide this, you can find this on the internet.
Also no need to get agitated. You have a point, but I have a point as well.
The creators of bioshock worked on thief the dark project, which also contained survival horror elements. They continued this with system shock 2 who contained a lot more and by this was also classed as such.
But it wasn't classed as this because of the same reasons resident evil and dead space are classed as survival horror (which you refer to as resource management) it was more focussed on stealth gameplay.
A part of the dev team of looking glass studios left and created irrational games, which created bioshock.
Masspoint OP t1_j6lvsq3 wrote
Reply to comment by the_npc_man in So I heard you like sci fi survival horror... by Masspoint
Spiritual succesor does mean it shows a lot of similarities and is inspired by it.
Masspoint OP t1_j6lu5br wrote
Reply to comment by the_npc_man in So I heard you like sci fi survival horror... by Masspoint
did you know bioshock is the spiritual successor of system shock 2.
Look up system shock 2, it's known to be a survival horror game.
Masspoint OP t1_j6o0zsi wrote
Reply to comment by Affogato9 in Biggest landmarks in video gaming history 1975-2020 by Masspoint
yeah you're right, I should have put that one in there. MMORPGS isn't something I played a lot myself, I thought I covered it with everquest and world of warcraft.