Masspoint OP t1_j6lxls8 wrote
Reply to comment by o0_bobbo_0o in So I heard you like sci fi survival horror... by Masspoint
maybe you should have tried to increase the difficulty
Masspoint OP t1_j6lxacp wrote
Reply to comment by thewdfthr in So I heard you like sci fi survival horror... by Masspoint
sorry to hear that, you were about halfway through, maybe restart?
or isn't there anything you can do via the console
Masspoint OP t1_j6lx0hg wrote
Reply to comment by the_npc_man in So I heard you like sci fi survival horror... by Masspoint
I really don't understand how you can't see bioshock as horror, maybe I'm just soft I don't know, but I personally find bioshock more scary than dead space.
Masspoint OP t1_j6lwn3a wrote
Reply to comment by Bananaslamma24 in So I heard you like sci fi survival horror... by Masspoint
I don't need to decide this, you can find this on the internet.
Also no need to get agitated. You have a point, but I have a point as well.
The creators of bioshock worked on thief the dark project, which also contained survival horror elements. They continued this with system shock 2 who contained a lot more and by this was also classed as such.
But it wasn't classed as this because of the same reasons resident evil and dead space are classed as survival horror (which you refer to as resource management) it was more focussed on stealth gameplay.
A part of the dev team of looking glass studios left and created irrational games, which created bioshock.
Masspoint OP t1_j6lvsq3 wrote
Reply to comment by the_npc_man in So I heard you like sci fi survival horror... by Masspoint
Spiritual succesor does mean it shows a lot of similarities and is inspired by it.
Masspoint OP t1_j6lu5br wrote
Reply to comment by the_npc_man in So I heard you like sci fi survival horror... by Masspoint
did you know bioshock is the spiritual successor of system shock 2.
Look up system shock 2, it's known to be a survival horror game.
Masspoint OP t1_j6ltyha wrote
Reply to comment by Linkage_ in So I heard you like sci fi survival horror... by Masspoint
That's because of the marketing of the remake.
Masspoint OP t1_j6ltu90 wrote
Reply to comment by Bananaslamma24 in So I heard you like sci fi survival horror... by Masspoint
They don't know about it because it's so long ago. I played system shock 2 back in the day and I was already in my twenties, I know the history behind it. I know the history behind the dev teams and how many of these genres originated.
You're right it isn't marketed as such, I can't debate you on that.
But system shock 2 is still known to be a survival horror game and bioshock is pretty much the successor of that game. It uses similar elements what system shock 2 was known for to create a survival horror experience.
It's also the reason why google lists is as such.
Masspoint OP t1_j6lszxm wrote
Reply to comment by Bananaslamma24 in So I heard you like sci fi survival horror... by Masspoint
It is the spiritual successor of system shock 2.
which is known to be action role playing survival horror game, and a landmark in video gaming history.
Also the reason why google lists as such.
You're right it isn't known or marketed like that, and it's also the reason why I posted it.
Because not a lot of people know about this.
Masspoint OP t1_j6lrotg wrote
Reply to comment by SadLaser in So I heard you like sci fi survival horror... by Masspoint
type in survival horror games in google and look what results you get.
You will find bioshock in there.
Masspoint OP t1_j6lrlit wrote
Reply to comment by Linkage_ in So I heard you like sci fi survival horror... by Masspoint
A lot of people haven't played dead space, so I don't see why this would be any different with bioshock.
Masspoint OP t1_j6lrc5m wrote
Reply to comment by ColumbusJewBlackets in So I heard you like sci fi survival horror... by Masspoint
yeah these dudes just look at wiki and look at the description, which says first person shooter.
It's like call of duty
Masspoint OP t1_j6lr7hw wrote
Reply to comment by Bananaslamma24 in So I heard you like sci fi survival horror... by Masspoint
No also the reason why I posted it. It is specified as a first person shooter but so is call of duty.
They aren't even comparable.
Masspoint OP t1_j6lnn6l wrote
Reply to comment by Bananaslamma24 in So I heard you like sci fi survival horror... by Masspoint
I don't think they class it on exactly that, if you type in survival horror games in google, you get bioshock as a part of that. Same for system shock 2 (bioshock is the spiritual successor of that game)
Besides, it's not like bioshock doesn't have any resource management either.
Masspoint OP t1_j6ln08b wrote
Reply to comment by guy_from_chernobyl in So I heard you like sci fi survival horror... by Masspoint
When the game released I tried getting into it but was kind of put off by the lore.
I remember I got stuck on the first one in an area with a gasmask on, I couldn't get outside, tried for hours. Never tried the other games because of it.
Masspoint OP t1_j6llz7e wrote
Reply to comment by Bananaslamma24 in So I heard you like sci fi survival horror... by Masspoint
that's kind of an odd explanation, games like dead space and resident evil rely on a scarce recources to create that, but there are other survival horror games that rely on more, sneaking for instance.
Alien isolation is classed exactly like that
Masspoint OP t1_j6llag7 wrote
Reply to comment by rarius18 in So I heard you like sci fi survival horror... by Masspoint
yeah I made this post because dead space gets so much attention , I don't think people missed dead space at this point.
I did not like infinite because it's so different from the first one, I never tried the second one though.
Masspoint OP t1_j6ll5l2 wrote
Reply to comment by guy_from_chernobyl in So I heard you like sci fi survival horror... by Masspoint
which one?
Masspoint OP t1_j6ll2tg wrote
Reply to comment by Bananaslamma24 in So I heard you like sci fi survival horror... by Masspoint
Yeah, that might be the case but this piece is purely about the survival horror part.
Masspoint OP t1_j6lkv40 wrote
Reply to comment by PhxRising29 in So I heard you like sci fi survival horror... by Masspoint
well I don't mind debating it , and I know where you're coming from, but if you're looking for a game that classifies as sci fi survival horror, what would be the first thing that comes to mind.
For me it was this, and a part of that was also because it's also a masterpiece.
Masspoint OP t1_j6ljqgv wrote
Reply to comment by PhxRising29 in So I heard you like sci fi survival horror... by Masspoint
I would even dare to say that they do it better in some ways, since you can use stealth.
Masspoint OP t1_j6ljlen wrote
Reply to comment by PhxRising29 in So I heard you like sci fi survival horror... by Masspoint
You're making this more about semantics than about anything else, they made surival horror as part of the game, it is more than that sure, but that doesn't mean it isn't part of it.
So hence the title, if you like sci fi survival horror you can find it in bioshock.
Masspoint OP t1_j6lizrf wrote
Reply to comment by PhxRising29 in So I heard you like sci fi survival horror... by Masspoint
Yes but you can class dead space as a third person shooter as well. They just don't do it because it's pure survival horror.
Bioshock is also a partly a role playing game, it's like with skyrim, you can play it as a first person sneaker, they won't class it as such (like they do with thief) because you have multiple ways of playing the game.
Masspoint OP t1_j6lhvwq wrote
Reply to comment by PhxRising29 in So I heard you like sci fi survival horror... by Masspoint
from wiki
The game includes elements of role-playing games, giving the player different approaches in engaging enemies such as by stealth, additionaly the game and its biopunk theme borrow concepts from the survival horror genre, notably the Resident Evil series.
I am talking about the first game only.
Masspoint OP t1_j6m38pr wrote
Reply to comment by Xerazal in So I heard you like sci fi survival horror... by Masspoint
yes but you can pretty much define a lot of games as first person or third person shooters.
It is the spiritual successor to system shock 2, and that is classed as an action role playing survival horror game, and in many ways that is what bioshock is as well.
But it does has a lot more action though, and further in the game, when your character gets stronger, that action becomes a much bigger part, so that's why the devs kept things simple and they just called it a first person shooter, but so is call of duty, and those games aren't even comparable.
Bioshock might not be a pure horror game there a lot of references to it, even by the devs itself, from wiki.
The game's lead level designer was Bill Gardner. He cited Capcom's survival horror series Resident Evil as a significant influence on BioShock, stating there are "all these nods and all these little elements that I think you can see where Resident Evil inspired us". The team were particularly influenced by Resident Evil 4, including its approach to the environments, combat, and tools, its game design and tactical elements, its "gameplay fuelled storytelling" and inventory system, and its opening village level in terms of how it "handled the sandbox nature of the combat" and in terms of "the environment".