MathematicianGlum880 t1_irevc4e wrote
Reply to comment by Majestic-Feedback541 in Appreciation post: Mainers can teach the South a lot about hospitality! by JayhawkInMaine
MathematicianGlum880 t1_iree3km wrote
lol. Lincoln is definitely not Southern. Your talkin’ way up they-ah! I was born and raised here (62 years) and as far as I am concerned, anything above Augusta is Northern. I live in the Portland area. In fact. my ex husband (72) has many relatives who live in the Bangor area (his father was born I believe in Bradford) and he and his sister talk about going up and ‘visiting the Northern relatives’!
MathematicianGlum880 t1_irevdzj wrote
Reply to comment by JayhawkInMaine in Appreciation post: Mainers can teach the South a lot about hospitality! by JayhawkInMaine
Georgia has great peaches….