MaybeADumbass t1_jdvp6by wrote
Reply to comment by crispydukes in A Pennsylvania chocolate factory explosion has killed 7 people by FolsgaardSE
Well that's different. Socialism is only bad when it before benefits other people.
MaybeADumbass t1_jdvc7c3 wrote
Reply to comment by Derpadoooo in A Pennsylvania chocolate factory explosion has killed 7 people by FolsgaardSE
Why would we take care of people? That sounds socialism! /s
MaybeADumbass t1_jds800d wrote
Reply to comment by markwo in Where to get the best crudités? by orangevega
This is the only place in Pennsylvania to get crudité.
MaybeADumbass t1_jdiz271 wrote
Reply to comment by dfiler in Very cool of the city to block off half my street with a whopping -4 days notice by jwmahaffey9
It's tough to parse from the title, but OP is complaining that they gave a negative 4 day notice. The cones went up today with a date from four days ago.
It's not really appropriate, but it's generally how they've been operating.
MaybeADumbass t1_jdiyrey wrote
Reply to comment by jwmahaffey9 in Very cool of the city to block off half my street with a whopping -4 days notice by jwmahaffey9
That's how they do it. My neighborhood had all that work done last year, and almost every time the cones showed up when the work started, back-dated to several days prior.
Sometimes, though, the cones would come out with the no parking signs, nothing would happen, and then work would begin after the no parking expired.
It sucks, and they really should try to do better, but at the end of the day it's probably more important to get all of the lead lines replaced than anything else. It is obnoxious, though.
Also wait until you see the quality of their temporary patches! They'll make you forget all about their [lack of] signage and notice.
MaybeADumbass t1_jd8jdu3 wrote
Reply to Can I purchase and own a gun in PA with a legal ritalin prescription? Not looking to carry, just keep at home, and transport in my car to a range. by devilspeaksintongues
From the ATF, the following categories of persons are prohibited:
> who is convicted in any court of a crime punishable by imprisonment for a term exceeding one year;
> who is a fugitive from justice;
who is an unlawful user of or addicted to any controlled substance (as defined in section 102 of the Controlled Substances Act, codified at 21 U.S.C. § 802);
> who has been adjudicated as a mental defective or has been committed to any mental institution;
> who is an illegal alien;
> who has been discharged from the Armed Forces under dishonorable conditions;
> who has renounced his or her United States citizenship;
> who is subject to a court order restraining the person from harassing, stalking, or threatening an intimate partner or child of the intimate partner; or
> who has been convicted of a misdemeanor crime of domestic violence.
As someone with a legit prescription for ritalin, you are not an unlawful user of or considered to be addicted to a controlled substance.
MaybeADumbass t1_jd4vtuo wrote
Reply to comment by pittlawyer in Let's pour one out for the developers of Pittsburgh by PublicCommenter
> According to my contacts in the City, this was never run past the City law department for their opinion, which is not at all surprising.
We should ask City law to get right on that! We should have their opinion sometime in mid-2027, provided we stay on top of it and keep reminding them.
MaybeADumbass t1_jc3d15a wrote
Reply to comment by Excelius in Guns, Pot, and Mushrooms Discovered During Hunt for Suspect in West Deer PA by Important_Bad_9697
I forgot about about Anderson. All of their offerings are chambered in 5.56 (or other calibers), though, so I'm going to go with it being a typo.
MaybeADumbass t1_jc36sch wrote
Reply to comment by Hopeful_Scholar398 in Guns, Pot, and Mushrooms Discovered During Hunt for Suspect in West Deer PA by Important_Bad_9697
They were just so surprised that the rifles were the extremely rare AM-15 models...
MaybeADumbass t1_jc2z8bd wrote
Reply to Guns, Pot, and Mushrooms Discovered During Hunt for Suspect in West Deer PA by Important_Bad_9697
How high was this guy when cops knocked on his door? Why the fuck did he let them in??
MaybeADumbass t1_jaf0vci wrote
I am not going to expect people to be reasonable next time. I think if I going into it with much lower expectations of people I'll be a lot less stressed out.
MaybeADumbass t1_jaewztv wrote
Reply to comment by Fuzzyphilosopher in FBI says man had guns, ammo, fake marshal ID in baggage by Thetimmybaby
I'm a gun owner and second amendment supporter, and I strongly believe that if you lose track of one or more of your guns, that is very clear evidence that you are unfit to possess any of them.
MaybeADumbass t1_jaeva9o wrote
Reply to comment by PierogiPowered in Tell me your new corporate slogan was made by a man... by ipmcc
I don't, either.
MaybeADumbass t1_jaev5s7 wrote
Reply to comment by Zenedarr in Cocaine dealer says $74K fine for selling drugs to undercover cop is unconstitutional by 2028W3
Well thank you!
MaybeADumbass t1_jae7gbh wrote
Reply to comment by Sir-Farts- in Cocaine dealer says $74K fine for selling drugs to undercover cop is unconstitutional by 2028W3
No, I mean the comment you replied to was a sarcastic joke. The poster does not actually mean what they are saying.
MaybeADumbass t1_jacfv6e wrote
Reply to comment by Sir-Farts- in Cocaine dealer says $74K fine for selling drugs to undercover cop is unconstitutional by 2028W3
I'm pretty sure that was sarcastic...
MaybeADumbass t1_jaafzac wrote
Reply to comment by joeco316 in Fentanyl found in THC gummies sold in 3 Montgomery County smoke shops, DA warns by ImperialIIClass
I'm honestly not sure. I think it's automatically illegal to possess a gun by PA law if you are a prohibited person by federal law or something like that but I am not a lawyer. I know that if you fail a background check the prosecution is done locally under PA law so it would make sense.
I would assume then that being caught with weed and a firearm in PA could be prosecuted even with a MMJ card, since you're a prohibited person by federal law. Supposedly just having a valid MMJ card (from any state) is evidence that someone is a user, so likewise I think being caught with just an MMJ card and a firearm (e.g. in a traffic stop or a visit to your house for something unrelated) could be prosecuted.
I don't know how likely that would be, but If I had an MMJ card, I would absolutely keep it 100% separate from anything firearm-related all the time. That's not a risk I would take but I'd guess most people would be OK for years.
What I would truly worry about is if the PSP were given access to the database again.
They already have access to the database(s) of people with a License to Carry Firearms . If they had access to the database(s) of MMJ card holders, it would be a pretty simple task to compare the names on one to the names on the other and see who lands on both. Anyone with an MMJ card older than their LCTF has automatically committed a felony and they have their signature on the proof. They can be prosecuted with just a little bit of paperwork. Everyone else could have their LCTF immediately revoked at least since they're known to be prohibited.
I'm not sure what they are allowed to do with the record of handgun transfers, you'd have to ask a lawyer. It wouldn't be hard to match people up, but I don't know whether they could prosecute you if you had an MMJ card when you did a transfer, but it's also a felony since you lied on the form and that would technically be proof. I think they could more easily prosecute anyone going forward. It probably wouldn't be difficult to link the MMJ database(s) to the PICS check and fail you when you try to buy a gun. If they didn't do that they could still easily cross-reference afterward and prosecute you just as easily.
I don't recommend owning firearms and holding an MMJ card at the same time, but if someone decided to do it, I'd suggest not buying any handguns or new long guns and absolutely not applying for (or renewing!) a License to Carry Firearms as long as you hold it.
MaybeADumbass t1_ja99mny wrote
Reply to comment by timesuck in Pittsburgh City Councilor Anthony Coghill set to run for Allegheny County Treasurer by drmartykrauss
I'll be honest, like much of City Council, Coghill does not exactly strike me as a thoughtful person. This does not surprise me in the least!
MaybeADumbass t1_ja96nob wrote
Reply to comment by timesuck in Pittsburgh City Councilor Anthony Coghill set to run for Allegheny County Treasurer by drmartykrauss
What's the story on this?
MaybeADumbass t1_ja969re wrote
Reply to comment by ShatteredAvenger in best/cheapest internet provider? by [deleted]
> ...and it's easier to deal with Verizon as a customer.
I think that's debatable. I've been switching back and forth between them for nearly 20 years, and Verizon's customer service in my experience is way more pleasant but way less competent. When you call them, they will be kind and polite but it'll be a total crapshoot on whether they fix your issue, give you accurate information, or even get you to the right place. When you call Comcast, there's a real chance you'll get connected to a raging asshole, but there's also a real chance they'll fix your issue in one or two tries.
I think what it really comes down to is which do you hate more:
Getting in stupid arguments with random strangers on the phone, or
Dealing with cheerfully stupid morons and restating your issue to every new person you get transferred to
MaybeADumbass t1_ja0amov wrote
Reply to comment by Mijbr090490 in Fentanyl found in THC gummies sold in 3 Montgomery County smoke shops, DA warns by ImperialIIClass
>They can't access the MMJ database for a background check.
For now. That was changed by an executive order from Wolf. It can be undone in an instant by any other governor.
You cannot legally own a gun in any state if you use cannabis because federal prohibition makes any user a prohibited person.
MaybeADumbass t1_j9mzt0u wrote
Reply to comment by KentuckYSnow in Where do yinz buy your bulk drinking water? by illcallyourightback
Yup, and the smart ones are using the free filters that are available vs. paying for bottled water.
MaybeADumbass t1_j9l6y1s wrote
PWSA ships it directly to my house through pipes buried underground. It's a weird setup, but it works out well for us.
MaybeADumbass t1_j97t8dl wrote
Reply to comment by spectraphysics in Meet me under the Target clock. by eamon2plz
When I first moved to Pittsburgh I got a second job as seasonal help there (Christmas 1999). On my first shift, someone dropped me off in front of some shirts and said "straighten this up" and then they left me there with nothing to do for the rest of the night.
I asked every employee who came by what else I could do and they always said they'd ask but I don't think I ever saw the same person twice. After 3 hours of boredom I decided it wasn't worth it and just went home, then I dodged their calls for a week when they tried to schedule me for more shifts.
MaybeADumbass t1_jdwvzwt wrote
Reply to comment by Excelius in I saw this at the store the other day and thought it was a joke. by embeeclark
The Classico line of pasta sauces is owned by Kraft Heinz. Heinz has been making pasta sauces in the US for many years, just not under the Heinz brand.