MaybeTheDoctor t1_ixt6h1y wrote
Was the not all the same stories back in the 50s and 60s ? Where is my flying car?
MaybeTheDoctor t1_ixolgx8 wrote
Reply to comment by unknownpanda121 in New AI Tech Allows Humans to Talk to Animals by 4inalfantasy
Maybe them cats are liberal socialist
MaybeTheDoctor t1_ivf8zm6 wrote
Reply to We know about viruses, bacteria and other microorganisms evolving to better infect other organisms. Consequently, diseases change too to some extent. Are there any examples of human bodies evolving to fight against these disease causing agents? by ha_ha_ha_ha_hah
Sure - the Black Death - some number of people had a genetic natural resistance and the didn’t get sick and died. You are more likely to be a descendant of one of those and hence you have a higher likelihood to be resistant to the Black Death should it ever come back - and that is evolution for you
MaybeTheDoctor t1_ixt6w5g wrote
Reply to comment by CobraPony67 in Solar farms in space demo could be ready by 2030 by Soupjoe5
Let you know a secret - it was the same idea back in the 1950s and back then it was just 10 years away... beaming energy back to earth is going to kill a lot of birds flying through the beams, and it is not happening this time as well - because the idea is bonkers when you can just put solar panels here on earth.