
MeanFluffyBunny OP t1_itx9iun wrote

Thanks! I’m keeping a close eye on them. The worst one (according to the vet) is a puncture right at the base of her tail. They need to leave it open to drain and I need to peel the scabs off as they form so it heals from the inside out. Apparently it will get infected if I don’t do that and she will “lose all the skin on her butt”.


MeanFluffyBunny OP t1_itwsum7 wrote

No, I spent about a minute alternating between screaming at the dog to stay back and screaming at the house asking why no one is coming outside. Finally, he comes out. I yell that his dog attacked mine, he replies “it’s ok, she’s just mouthy”. I walked away bc I needed to check my dog for injuries and to get away from his dog.

Edit: his dog took a shit in my yard this am. I was still sleeping so he lives another day.


MeanFluffyBunny OP t1_itwrc1k wrote

The dog went straight for the throat, she actually hit my dogs collar which came right off. I think it saved her life. Her throat is all bruised and bloody but not punctured.

Not shown is the puncture at the base of her tail. It’s literally right above her ass. They can’t sew it shut and I have to pick any scabs off it so it heals from the inside out. Which is extremely painful for my girl


MeanFluffyBunny OP t1_itwqsuo wrote

I was definitely indecisive. My main concern was the other dogs owner hearing the shot, comes outside and sees that I killed his dog, and then shoots me. I only had a 5 shot revolver and who knows what he’s packing.

In hindsight I wish I shot the dog and then gtfo of there. Even then, we live 200 feet apart and he can see my house through the trees.


MeanFluffyBunny OP t1_itwq3kc wrote

Police report is done. Animal control is MIA. Dog is still wandering around my property. Sheriff basically told me to shoot the dog if it steps on my property or looks at me funny.

She’s going to be ok, I’ll probably do an update once animal control comes through.


MeanFluffyBunny OP t1_itw8zhp wrote

I’ve spoken with the sheriff today, he basically said to shoot the dog if it comes onto my property or if it runs at me off leash in the road. Still waiting for animal control to show up, they are 5 hours late…

I am going down the civil suit road if he refuses to pay up ($1100 for the first vet visit, will need two more visits and possibly another surgery). I have a feeling he won’t tho. The sheriff also advised me to handle all contact with this man through animal control and certified mail, not to step foot on his property.


MeanFluffyBunny OP t1_itvwnlw wrote

I was being indecisive. I didn’t realize the full extent of the damage that the dog was inflicting, and I was worried that the neighbor would come out with a gun too. I wish I shot the dog in hindsight. My girl got fucked up.

I just got done with the Sheriff, he advised me to not step foot on this guys property. Do everything through animal control/certified mail. He also basically told me to shoot the dog if it steps foot on my property or comes after me in the road. Don’t wait for it to attack.


MeanFluffyBunny OP t1_itsttrw wrote

It was almost a full minute of my dog being mauled. I was about to shoot the other dog but my girl was able to knock the other dog over and fight back. The fucking neighbor comes out right after it was done and says “it’s ok, she’s just mouthy”.

I’m def filing a police report tomorrow am. Do you think he will know I filed one?


MeanFluffyBunny t1_irnfnfx wrote

I’m shocked no one has posted this yet. The state of Maine has a list of firewood venders here. I just ordered 5 cords of seasoned wood for 350 split and delivered last week from someone on that list. It’s not too late, in fact some of these places will deliver until the end of the year.