MerchantOfUndeath t1_j5xg47b wrote
Haha potato gamer
MerchantOfUndeath t1_j1jxt1d wrote
Reply to comment by Netherese_Nomad in 2,000-year-old Mayan civilization discovered in the north of Guatemala by HRJafael
Leave it to the Netherese to defy divinity.
MerchantOfUndeath t1_j1jqh0z wrote
MerchantOfUndeath t1_j7ga881 wrote
Reply to Breathwork shows promise in reducing stress, anxiety and depression, according to a new meta-analysis by HeinieKaboobler
It really does work. My body becomes nauseous and flooded with pain over the smallest stresses and nonsense. Breathwork, self-talk, mindfulness, meditation, etc. are just straight-up necessary coping mechanisms for me now. It really is as simple as forcing yourself to take deep slow breaths and picturing yourself somewhere else pleasant.