Mermaid_La_Reine t1_jdz2575 wrote
Reply to Greenland turns clocks forward for last,should Massachusetts/eastern US do the same by Hoosac_Love
No. Get back on Standard Time (sun basically at high noon) and stay there. This will also provide many more benefits. Save Standard Time list of benefits
It’s the same light every year—it’s never been a surprise. 9-hours of daylight in Winter (solstice), 12-hours in Spring & Autumnal (Equinox), and 15-hours is daylight in the Summer (solstice). Nobody is ‘making more sunlight’.
"Time ‘Change’: only a fool would believe that you could cut a foot off the top of a blanket and sew it to the bottom of a blanket and have a longer blanket.”
Mermaid_La_Reine t1_jdo1vtc wrote
Reply to New Mars globe at the MOS. by jugglefire
It looks like the same planet/moon that was hanging with the Naboo fighter ship.🤔
Mermaid_La_Reine t1_jbm2hym wrote
Reply to Massachusetts cop resigns from force for sexually assaulting student then gets hired by neighboring towns police department to be their sex crimes investigator by wra1th42
All it takes to become a police officer is a GED. Massachusetts has to raise the bar on level of intelligence, integrity, psychological profiles, and morality. Low standards, low results.
Mermaid_La_Reine t1_j9kamwe wrote
I feel slighted that I never got a Dirigible...(sigh)
Mermaid_La_Reine t1_j8ptqb5 wrote
It was always a cash advance.
Mermaid_La_Reine t1_j5cn4qf wrote
Reply to comment by A_Man_Who_Writes in Why did Sunday pay go away? by A_Man_Who_Writes
Catholics are Saturday. Protestants are Sunday. America was founded by Protestants.
Mermaid_La_Reine t1_j5cm4zl wrote
Reply to comment by dogmom603 in Why did Sunday pay go away? by A_Man_Who_Writes
‘Blue’ is a term of impropriety. ‘Blue’ language is vulgar. Anything ‘blue’ was not to open on a Sunday. Drinking, gambling, and such. Even after supermarkets would (reluctantly) open on Sundays, Liquor/alcohol stores still remained closed. Repealing the Blue Laws means all the sinful stores are now freely open on Sunday.
“Blue Laws” were created for religious reasons specifically to promote the observance of the Christian day of worship.” -wiki
Mermaid_La_Reine t1_j5bn4ll wrote
Reply to Why did Sunday pay go away? by A_Man_Who_Writes
Sunday use to be a sacred day of the week. (Exodus 20) A day of rest. No business we’re opened. People went to church, or stayed home with family to enjoy time together.
Over time, Stores became more Progressive, and introduced ‘Sunday hours’. If a store was going to be open on ‘The Lords Day’, store owners would have to pay for that luxury, by paying employees time-and-a-half.
Now that most people want consumerism on a daily basis.. with no distinction of days...the incentive is dissipating.
Mermaid_La_Reine t1_j482u8h wrote
Reply to comment by PLS-Surveyor-US in Report: Boston traffic is the fourth worst in the world by JBupp
But first, it will take more money...🤦♀️
Mermaid_La_Reine t1_iyd6fhs wrote
Reply to Sunrise in Salisbury[OC] by Jay_Roofoh_Photo
So lovely... thank you for sharing such a beautiful photograph. The stairs leading to the water, and the soft warm light — make a powerful focal point. Simply Beautiful.
Mermaid_La_Reine t1_iwtrm2e wrote
Reply to comment by JaesopPop in by bostondotcom
It’s what taxpayer/parents get for all of their tax dollars... nothing. Nothing is ‘better’.
We pay a fortune in taxes for our schools, and the kids are no better by any metric, nor is there any safety. Where were the teachers/coaches/staff to monitor the locker room? (I remember our gym teacher would come in every 3-5 mins or so, give a time check ‘10-more minutes!’ Leave.)
Why are students permitted to have phones (cameras) in a locker room while others are changing? Nobody thinks that’s a problem—18yo with cameras with minors changing clothes? Smart people think ahead of the curve to prevent an ‘appearance of evil’, instead of cleaning up messes and saying ‘boys will be boys’.
If these kids think this was ‘fun’ to sit on someone’s face and twerk, and others cheer or nobody helps— they are damaged. That is not normal, nor should it be normalized. End the season. These kids are the fruit of Haverhills’ labour, and no amount of money can fix a mental instability.
Edit: their
Mermaid_La_Reine t1_iwrz4i1 wrote
Reply to comment by Mermaid_La_Reine in by bostondotcom
They do not need more taxpayer money, they need to better use the funds they are given. Haverhill School Superintendent made over $233k last year, and is budgeted for over $230k this coming year.
Do you realize Boston Mayor Michelle Wu makes $230k/year??
“For the city’s 782 full-time or equivalent teachers, the current average annual salary is $73,613 according to the School Department.” -The Eagle-Tribune
(Average salary for 180-days of work.)
Teachers got a raise two years ago, but because of Democrat leaders, we are in a Recession... so their raise was out-distanced by Inflation. (Huh? Who could have seen that coming...) So they pitched a fit for another raise, and homeowners will be the only one to pay the bill.
Meanwhile, the kids are failing Basic State levels and problematic. Tragic.
Mermaid_La_Reine t1_iwquu7p wrote
Reply to comment by d0nkeyBOB in by bostondotcom
...and more taxes will make it better-er. /s 🤦♀️. Dear Lord help us.
Downvoted for taxes?
Mermaid_La_Reine t1_iw06eue wrote
Reply to comment by EricInAmerica in Eliminate Daylight Saving Time by Dramatic-Ad7828
I did not count each 30-minute area.
time zone map with 24-zones
‘Solar noon is the time when the Sun appears to contact the local celestial meridian. This is when the Sun reaches its apparent highest point in the sky, at 12 noon apparent solar time and can be observed using a sundial.’ (Wikipedia: Noon)
Edit: Let me introduce you to the Analemma and it’s relevance to solar noon.....
“In astronomy, an analemma (/ˌænəˈlɛmə/; from Ancient Greek ἀνάλημμα (analēmma) 'support') is a diagram showing the position of the Sun in the sky as seen from a fixed location on Earth at the same mean solar time, as that position varies over the course of a year. The diagram will resemble a figure eight.” (Wikipedia/analemma)
Mermaid_La_Reine t1_iw0225f wrote
Reply to comment by Beautiful_Repeat_718 in Eliminate Daylight Saving Time by Dramatic-Ad7828
My parents walked me to my bus stop with a flashlight other parents did. It was farm country and people got up early. We’d have a flashlight in our coat pocket for early mornings, or walking back from the store when the sun was down by 5pm.
Mermaid_La_Reine t1_iw018mq wrote
Reply to Eliminate Daylight Saving Time by Dramatic-Ad7828
It’s Standard Time now— just leave it alone.
It’s the same light every year—it’s never been a surprise. 9-hours of daylight in Winter, 12-hours in Spring/Autumn, and 15-hours is daylight in the Summer. It’s hardly law-worthy.
There are 24-time zones, one for each hour of the Earth’s day. If you push back one Time Zone, it will out of sync with the natural order. High Noon is where the sun is at its peak (zenith) each day, this has been Science behind sundials for eons.
Also, Latitude effects sunlight. What works for Florida or Texas for sunlight, will not work for MN or New England (or England, Sweden). With or without time change, some areas of the world can experience 24-hour sunlight or or 24-hour night. That’s just Natural. No legislation ‘creates’ more light.
This started 7 November, and by 21 December we’ll start coming out of it. It’s a natural cycle.
Also, If we just kept on Standard time, I’d never have to change every clock I own twice a year, and my dog would be much happier as well. (‘Well, they forgot to feed me. I’m abandoned. I’ll stare at them woefully for an hour...’)
“Time ‘Change’: only a fool would believe that you could cut a foot off the top of a blanket and sew it to the bottom of a blanket and have a longer blanket.”
Mermaid_La_Reine t1_iur90f7 wrote
Reply to comment by Own-Suit5786 in Does the textile waste ban seem like it is going to be a nightmare to anyone else? by lufecaep
It’s Massachusetts, so therefore the game is like this: YOU pay to get rid of ‘it’. ‘It’ goes to someone who will then break it down and resell the components. YOU will then buy the product. THEY profit.
(See also: depositing leaves, and paying for the mulch.)🤦♀️
Mermaid_La_Reine t1_it0usnf wrote
Mermaid_La_Reine t1_it0us9d wrote
They do not need more taxpayer money, they need to better use the funds they are given. Haverhill School Superintendent page 124 makes over $230k a year.
Do you realize Boston Mayor Michelle Wu makes $230k/year??
“For the city’s 782 full-time or equivalent teachers, the current average annual salary is $73,613 according to the School Department.” -The Eagle-Tribune (Average salary for 180-days of work.)
To give them what they want, every homeowners City tax bill will go up approximately $1,500.00. Haverhill School Committee
Time marker: 44:10 Scott Wood Statement:
Mermaid_La_Reine t1_je0bnd2 wrote
Reply to Greenland turns clocks forward for last,should Massachusetts/eastern US do the same by Hoosac_Love