To add to this...If a person or a couple has one child, don't nag them about if/when they are going to have a second. I know couples who chose to have one and feel pressured by family/friends to disclose their plans to provide the child with a sibling...In some cases it's a financial thing, or a fertility thing, or the first one was so tough, they aren't sure they want to do it again. The constant questions as the first one becomes 3,4,5 years old can be tough.
MesWantooth t1_je61uyf wrote
Reply to LPT: If a single friend of yours has said they don’t want children, don’t start asking them if they’ve changed their mind if/when they find a partner. by dubdoll
To add to this...If a person or a couple has one child, don't nag them about if/when they are going to have a second. I know couples who chose to have one and feel pressured by family/friends to disclose their plans to provide the child with a sibling...In some cases it's a financial thing, or a fertility thing, or the first one was so tough, they aren't sure they want to do it again. The constant questions as the first one becomes 3,4,5 years old can be tough.