
t1_iujnbxc wrote

Improper influence (Hillary’s claim) vs. fraudulent ballots and vote counts (Trump). If you cant see the massive, huge difference, then you’re not very bright. And Putin did try to influence the vote, and still is. And Trump still has an unseemly relationship with Putin. But that’s not saying that the actual ballots cast for Trump were fraudulent. Get it? No? Well, good luck.


t1_iuj80p9 wrote

Every.Single.Mail-in.Ballot.Sent. has a complete record that’s accessible via That was also true in 2020. I’m just absolutely sick of this MAGA madness. But once again, there will be a “red mirage” in PA because as a matter of principle and/or convenience, we anti-MAGAs are mostly casting our votes by mail, and they can’t start counting them until Election Day. I just dropped my ballot off in person at the county elections office.

Deal with it, MAGAs. You’ll mostly lose again in PA, just like 2020. Shapiro and Fetterman will win. Here in the PA first congressional district, RINO GOP Rep. Fitzpatrick will probably also win on the same ballots. Quit whining and threatening. You.Are.Not.The.Majority.


t1_iu7aqp3 wrote

Nah. I’m there all the time on business, from San Diego to San Francisco and in-between. I know exactly what I’m getting into, and it’s awesome. MAGAts morons can have PA. My kid who just got a CS degree from CMU is moving to CO. Sure, taxes are higher and real estate is more expensive in CA, but I can increase my hourly rate accordingly. That’s the price of prosperity. And it’s still where the world’s best and brightest congregate.


t1_iu59324 wrote

I don’t think we anti-“MAGA Republican authoritarian semi-fascists and conspiracy theorists” will “complain.” We’ll just be deeply sad for PA and the country. And personally, I’ll take my portable professional income and tax dollars to the People’s Republic of California, which is doing so badly (according to the MAGAverse) that it’s about to overtake Germany as the fourth biggest economy in the world. Let PA become the land of bitter, victimized, aging and old MAGAs. It’s too bad, because it sure is pretty here.


t1_irykonv wrote

“Racist.” “Left.” Whatever. I’ll tell you what, though. What should be really entertaining is to watch PA establish itself as a full-on MAGA economy. MAGAs hiring MAGAs. (Contractors employing illegal immigrants hiring contractors doing the same? Lol). No high-tech manufacturing base (all manufacturing is high-tech now) or 21st century economy. 80% of the smart young people moving to … Colorado or WA or CA (yep, CA just became the world’s 5th biggest economy). PA was just starting to climb out of its rust-belt years. Now it’s aging rapidly and will end up even poorer and more dysfunctional, bitter and sad if it goes full-on MAGA. Fetterman represents hope.


t1_irv3qsn wrote

Vote for Oz, MAGAs! Lol. He’s still a Turkish citizen, practices Islam, lives in New Jersey, and made tens of millions hawking quack cures to people like you because, you know, heart surgeons are underpaid and he wasn’t happy with just three houses and needed 7 more. Mehmet (Turkish for Mohammed) deeply understands and appreciates the struggles of Pennsylvania’s working families.

I’m voting for Fetterman, the son of teenage parents who has devoted his life to public service in PA and lifting up Pennsylvanians. He’s about the most down to earth political candidate I’ve ever seen.