
MetaphysicalMayhem t1_iykrb5g wrote

Plenty of women are born infertile with no potential to create offspring in the future. Are they still women? And what about the additional hundreds of thousands of babies who are born each year in the US with extra sex chromosomes? There ya go. Not that hard. They’re women if they identify that way.

Why would you or anyone care how someone identifies? To quote George Thurgood (yep, I’m old), “It don’t confron’ me (long as I get my money next Friday).”


MetaphysicalMayhem t1_iykmlgl wrote

I live in Bucks. How the hell did RINO-ish GOP Rep. Brian Fitzpatrick win handily in both 2020 and 2022, while Trump and Trumpists lost bigly on the very same ballots to Dems? Could it be that a solid majority of Bucks voters are fucking done with the sick cult of MAGA and their election-denying bullshit?


MetaphysicalMayhem t1_iyarkj9 wrote

Knock off the juvenile, assclown election-related Trumpist bullshit. I’ve been voting in PA for many years. PA has some issues, but voters do usually get rid of ridiculous assholes of whatever party. There are examples. And anyway, wanna win an election? Get more voters to vote for you (r sorry ass). Stop pissing all over the integrity and fairness of PA’s democratic institutions. What Trumpists have been doing is disgusting and traitorous in my view. I hope they knock it off.


MetaphysicalMayhem t1_iy5tjzo wrote

The one Dem who abstained will vote to certify tomorrow. What idiocy. The fact is, a clear, substantial majority of Pennsylvanians are done—done!—with Trumpist “stolen election” bullshit. Want to win an election? Get voters on board. Convince them to support your party. Now, I doubt that a majority will ever support assclown “strongman” type candidates like, say, Floriduh, but I guess it could happen. This isn’t mostly about policy, by the way. It cuts much, much deeper. It’s about having a frickin democracy. Policies can be changed. Democracies aren’t easily rebuilt. Fuck Trumpists.


MetaphysicalMayhem t1_ix24fur wrote

Well, I haven’t read any of the potentially responsive comments, but it’s true! The Anglophone world tends to stick together! And, as a result, there’s a floor—a backstop working perpendicularly (:) English has that word)—to any single member’s economy if things get really bad.

It’s true. Meaning, I’m certain that’s an accurate assessment of the state of the world of humans.



MetaphysicalMayhem t1_iws7m5b wrote

The UK will muddle through and be just fine in the end, I expect. Plenty of the world’s best and brightest still want to move there, and the UK has a substantial base of support. But I do think the combined effects of multiple, successive shocks, Covid and Brexit, will take a few years to work through. One of them seems like an own-goal, but what do I know.


MetaphysicalMayhem t1_ivn3a95 wrote

The process of examining exterior envelopes for signatures, dates, postmarks and received stamps, followed by the opening of the exterior envelopes to determine whether the ballot is “naked” (without an interior envelope; if so, it’s not counted), and then the process of counting the mailed ballots, began at 7:00 am. And the counting won’t be completed today almost definitely.

Shapiro has already been called as the winner, nonetheless, because his lead was massive. Fetterman v Oz will take longer because it’s closer.


MetaphysicalMayhem t1_ivi3r0n wrote

Huh. My record just says “Mail-In” under Ballot Type. Then again, I applied for the ballot via hard copy in-person (I did the “in-person mail-in” ballot thing at the courthouse and delivered the ballot in-person). As u/Pf18929 says, “Vote Recorded” doesn’t mean “counted.” It just means received.

Call to be on the safe side. Centre County won’t be too busy I think.


MetaphysicalMayhem t1_iuk72jn wrote

Well, I’m a middle aged, I guess upper-ish middle class lawyer formerly registered Republican, and I just voted for Fetterman. Believe it. Whether I agree with Dems on policy is irrelevant. Only one “side” is seeking to abandon democracy—today’s GOP. If they stop, I may vote for them.

edit: Fetterman’s cognitive processing is fine. He has temporary auditory and speech processing issues as a result of his stroke. I saw him in person recently.


MetaphysicalMayhem t1_iuk6diz wrote

I hope you’re never called to serve on a jury, because you’re incapable of wrapping your head around facts. Fine, working class citizens don’t trust the Dems sometimes. Trump won. That still has no bearing on the fact only one side claims (Trump has been doing this since 2012, actually) that non-existent people cast votes. My guess is you “believe” that too, and all the rest of your deflection is a smokescreen.


MetaphysicalMayhem t1_iujrqrd wrote

That changes absolutely nothing about what I said and the facts. Whether Trump was or is in bed with the Russians (he probably was and is), Hillary never claimed that the actual votes or tallies for Trump were fraudulent. And she conceded the next morning. So … gotcha? You still don’t understand the massive difference???