Middle_Aged_Mayhem t1_iy4jty8 wrote
I'm pretty sure there are movies made today without CGI.
Middle_Aged_Mayhem t1_iy4elip wrote
Reply to comment by tok33 in Randy Smith hoists 203 pounds of machine off the ground. c1970s by MyDogGoldi
This bike weighs 600+ lbs easily. Highly unlikely someone could lift that much uneven weight the way he is in the pic.
Middle_Aged_Mayhem t1_iy4av9s wrote
This picture is obviously fake for multiple reasons. First, this bike is WAY more than 203lbs. Second, nobody on the planet I'd lifting this bike the way he is in the photo.
Middle_Aged_Mayhem t1_iy0zoyv wrote
Did you Google it? There are over a 30 stories from over 30 different news outlets. https://www.google.com/search?q=fire+in+nescopeck+pa&sxsrf=ALiCzsa5OGIgfeEKSU1m-qdrXU_-M2hNlQ%3A1669588813620&source=hp&ei=TeeDY7_eI8Kt5NoPu9Wg6A0&oq=fire+in+nesc&gs_lcp=ChFtb2JpbGUtZ3dzLXdpei1ocBABGAAyBQgAEIAEMgUIABCABDIFCAAQgAQyBQgAEIAEMgsILhCABBDHARCvATIGCAAQFhAeMgYIABAWEB4yBggAEBYQHjoHCCMQ6gIQJzoHCC4Q6gIQJzoNCC4QxwEQ0QMQ6gIQJzoECCMQJzoFCC4QkQI6CwgAEIAEELEDEIMBOgcILhDUAhBDOgQILhBDOgQIABBDOg4ILhCABBCxAxDHARDRAzoICAAQgAQQyQM6BQgAEJECOg4ILhCxAxDHARDRAxCRAjoOCC4QgAQQyQMQxwEQrwE6CAguEIAEELEDOggIABCxAxDJAzoFCAAQkgM6CAgAEIAEELEDOggILhCABBDUAjoLCC4Q1AIQsQMQgAQ6CAgAELEDEIMBOg4ILhCxAxCDARDHARCvAToFCCEQoAFQ1glYhTBg9D1oAnAAeACAAYYBiAG0CZIBBDEwLjOYAQCgAQGwAQ8&sclient=mobile-gws-wiz-hp#ip=1&ss=
Middle_Aged_Mayhem t1_iy0wref wrote
Did you call him Growlithe when he was a pup?
Middle_Aged_Mayhem t1_ixzr2q4 wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in Where to move around Lancaster? Coming from the Philly area by greg281
I've lived in Lancaster County my whole life, Manheim is the second worst place to live in the county behind Columbia. You can't find a lifetime worth of knowledge in the numbers and metrics. Manheim is a shithole of a town.
Middle_Aged_Mayhem t1_ixzpk7q wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in Where to move around Lancaster? Coming from the Philly area by greg281
Diversity is most certainly a statistic.
Middle_Aged_Mayhem t1_ixzncmq wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in Where to move around Lancaster? Coming from the Philly area by greg281
Nah, there's no diversity in Manheim. Redneck central. If you like lifted trucks and Confederate flags then that's the town for you.
Middle_Aged_Mayhem t1_ixzm1y2 wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in Where to move around Lancaster? Coming from the Philly area by greg281
Manheim School District is one of the lowest ranked school districts in Lancaster County.
Middle_Aged_Mayhem t1_ixz40wh wrote
Reply to comment by feudalle in Where to move around Lancaster? Coming from the Philly area by greg281
They said they needed a good school district which Manheim is definitely not.
Middle_Aged_Mayhem t1_ixrnpkt wrote
Reply to comment by msginbtween in Pennsylvania Turnpike truck and trailer toll by plate? by [deleted]
I just went through that toll on Saturday. No people in the booths. No toll collection at all.
Middle_Aged_Mayhem t1_ixrn0fv wrote
Reply to comment by msginbtween in Pennsylvania Turnpike truck and trailer toll by plate? by [deleted]
Must have been the Jersey side because Pa is all cashless. https://www.paturnpike.com/all-electronic-tolling
Middle_Aged_Mayhem t1_ixrftne wrote
Reply to comment by tacticalassassin in Pennsylvania Turnpike truck and trailer toll by plate? by [deleted]
Why couldn't you just drive through? Pa tollbooths don't have anything keeping you from driving right through. They just have lights telling you to stop or go.
Middle_Aged_Mayhem t1_ixres0b wrote
Reply to comment by tacticalassassin in Pennsylvania Turnpike truck and trailer toll by plate? by [deleted]
Yes, I'm pretty sure they went cashless back in 2020 and never went back to it.
Middle_Aged_Mayhem t1_ixre2j1 wrote
Reply to comment by tacticalassassin in Pennsylvania Turnpike truck and trailer toll by plate? by [deleted]
How long ago was this?
Middle_Aged_Mayhem t1_ixrdmyr wrote
There haven't been in person toll pay in PA for a while now. It's pay by EZ pass or by license plate.
Middle_Aged_Mayhem t1_ixqmx81 wrote
Reply to comment by thevincecarter in Horseback rider traffic button by Littlefrog02
Yep, I see it now.
Middle_Aged_Mayhem t1_ixqmw2r wrote
Reply to comment by Littlefrog02 in Horseback rider traffic button by Littlefrog02
Now I see. Thanks
Middle_Aged_Mayhem t1_ixqmey9 wrote
Reply to comment by Littlefrog02 in Horseback rider traffic button by Littlefrog02
No, where's the button? I don't see anything matching that description.
Middle_Aged_Mayhem t1_ixqivun wrote
Reply to Horseback rider traffic button by Littlefrog02
Middle_Aged_Mayhem t1_ixmm08i wrote
Reply to My 8 Year Old Drew this. I asked if it was Hatsune Miku and she laughed. I feel like a dinosaur. by Accomplished_Tea7781
Your 8 year old has some legit talent.
Middle_Aged_Mayhem t1_iwdv6sl wrote
Reply to comment by drsbd in How an engine works. by ooMEAToo
>I think it's just you but don't quote me on that
Middle_Aged_Mayhem t1_iujki85 wrote
Reply to My bic was pink under the wrapper. by its_Is
Always a good sign when they are pink on the inside.
Middle_Aged_Mayhem t1_iy4k6rr wrote
Reply to comment by apeinej in Would a movie without CGI work nowadays? by GabrielLoschrod
Except they used exstensive CGI for that series along with practice effects.