
Mijbr090490 t1_j3x3kl9 wrote

It's pretty important to those who need it medicinally. They don't want to have their lives ruined by using something that helps their conditions (although the current mmj system doesn't do much to protect the patients). That's like asking someone taking a prescription medicine "does your life revolve around Zoloft". Try keeping an open mind and be less of a dick.


Mijbr090490 t1_j3x2z2u wrote

Rural areas and even many suburban areas are full of purse clutchers. Minorities aren't getting lynched or anything, but it could be pretty uncomfortable in some areas to be one. It's fairly safe outside of Philadelphia. Harrisburg, York and Lancaster have issues with crime but they got nothing on Philly. Love the city, but they need to get their shit together. You go to towns in the Coal Region and you will see a lot of decay. Not many jobs and drug use is pretty high (meth and heroin).

For the most part, I love PA. I could do without the far right mouth breathers, but the nature makes up for it. We have an awesome state park system and the state forests are beautiful. I live in central Pa, outside of Harrisburg and it's honestly a really decent area to live and raise a family. Lots to do. Lots of restaurants and shopping. My biggest gripe is the infrastructure. Thousands of single family homes and townhouses going in alongside shopping centers and the existing roads just can't handle it. They are working on it, but road and highway projects take years to complete here. The widening project from Union Deposit to the 81/83 split took a decade to complete and now they are in the planning stages for the next section which could take many more years.


Mijbr090490 t1_j1me0cf wrote

Ive installed a bunch of systems and have my EPA 608 certificate. I know I can install it and have no issues, but I won't get the warranty. A highly reputable vendor that does work for my company quoted me at 7500 for a trane 14 SEER unit. My carrier oil furnace is not old, so I'm opting to keep it for back up heat or else I'd go to a higher SEER.


Mijbr090490 t1_j1m1ao6 wrote

Yeah, I'm not arguing it isn't an added strain on the grid but to call them inefficient is wrong. I want to get rid of my oil furnace and get a heat pump. I got a quote but I'm waiting until there is more clarification from the federal government in regards to HEEHRA. Bought 200 gallons this year. Hoping it lasts. This cold snap is putting a dent in it though.


Mijbr090490 t1_j14bcl0 wrote

I used to use fuelwonk but that site has become cancerous to use. Would like to find an alternative. Many places are so secretive about their pricing.

Just paid 3.99/gal for 100 gallons in Harrisburg area. Price is +/- .20c in this area depending on supplier.