Mijbr090490 t1_j6nqsav wrote
Reply to comment by 69FunnyNumberGuy420 in PA Vehicle Inspection: do they really fail a car for rust? by PivotalPosture
My truck is an 06 with 240k miles and you wouldn't be able to tell. I spend a day each month cleaning it and doing any needed maintenance. Plus I take it to the wash once a week. Still way cheaper than a car payment or serious repairs.
Mijbr090490 t1_j6n1xm3 wrote
Reply to comment by xeio87 in PA Vehicle Inspection: do they really fail a car for rust? by PivotalPosture
Fyi, if you take care of your vehicle it won't rust to pieces.
Mijbr090490 t1_j6kq6kh wrote
Reply to comment by PivotalPosture in PA Vehicle Inspection: do they really fail a car for rust? by PivotalPosture
The wash I go to is heated and it dries you off at the end, so I don't think freezing temps would matter. I always keep my truck clean this time of year. The salt does a number on these old boxed Toyota frames.
Mijbr090490 t1_j6kpa2q wrote
The frame would have to be rusted through or suspension parts broken off. Large holes in the body will fail too. Keep the car rinsed off in the winter. A lot of the car washes going in have a monthly pass. Pays for itself this time of year.
Mijbr090490 t1_j6ivsk7 wrote
Reply to comment by ActionPark33 in Universal Childcare for Pennsylvanians— and everyone in the US by Existing-Papaya-8643
Point is you shouldn't be using examples of mentally unstable people to make your point.
Mijbr090490 t1_j6it7wc wrote
Reply to comment by ActionPark33 in Universal Childcare for Pennsylvanians— and everyone in the US by Existing-Papaya-8643
Michael Jackson also held a baby out of a window.
Mijbr090490 t1_j6ibgl6 wrote
Reply to comment by CRCUSFRK360 in Universal Childcare for Pennsylvanians— and everyone in the US by Existing-Papaya-8643
Good job. There are others that aren't as fortunate. I worked my ass off since I was 14 and bought a house at 25. I make over 80k a year with no formal education. I know my situation doesn't universally apply to everyone and I'm not going to hold that against them. I will fight for everyone to have a better, easier chance at success.
Mijbr090490 t1_j60zlgt wrote
Reply to Comparing oil and electric prices for home heat? Debating buying a bunch of space heaters by Salty_Kangaroo_4522
You're going to pay either way. Electric space heaters are very expensive to run. Keep the heat at 68. Also have the furnace serviced. It needs the fuel filter changed yearly and burner/burner chamber cleaned. A good oil furnace tech can get that thing running in the high 80s for efficiency. Look into HEEHRA. They are offering big incentives for heat pumps this year which are way more efficient than resistive heat space heaters.
Mijbr090490 t1_j60yuzy wrote
Wellsboro PA. Could probably find a cabin or something on the outskirts of town. Some good restaurants in town. Pa Grand Canyon is nearby also. We stayed at the Wellsboro Garden Cottages years ago and got one with the hot tub. It was pretty dated and rustic though. Cheap and clean.
Mijbr090490 t1_j5z07q2 wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in Pa. drillers abandoned thousands of natural gas wells in 5 years, ignored state law, report says by lildobe
Jail is for poor people.
Mijbr090490 t1_j5kq5jb wrote
Reply to comment by Bird_Brain4101112 in Four Men Toss Deer Urine On Woman And In Aisles At Walmart In Gettysburg: Police by jillianpikora
Man, this is giving me flashbacks from my late teens growing up in semirural pa. Lol.
Mijbr090490 t1_j5kgynm wrote
Try doing property management for 20 years and tell me how you feel about the snow. Lol.
Mijbr090490 t1_j5kgexg wrote
Reply to Four Men Toss Deer Urine On Woman And In Aisles At Walmart In Gettysburg: Police by jillianpikora
They were seen speeding away in a multicolored, barely running Ford ranger covered in blue lives matter stickers.
Mijbr090490 t1_j56d80p wrote
Reply to comment by Lawmonger in Kimmel Center: Philly Pops owe $1 million, need to pay $520,000 by noon or get evicted by Deep_Language8429
Mijbr090490 t1_j52its8 wrote
Reply to Any way to legally reduce household income in Pennsylvania through charity/donations? by erock255555
I'm hoping they go off of 2022 W2. I got a quote for a heat pump just to get an idea of what we will need set aside. Told the guy I wanted to wait until there is more information released. They are a very large HVAC company and had no idea about the HEEHRA rebates or how they work. Hopefully more information is released soon. I want to pull the trigger but their are so many variables. I don't want to miss out on possible rebates.
Mijbr090490 t1_j51i7bo wrote
Reply to Heating oil ‘erroneously’ delivered to Pa. home that doesn’t use oil ends up in nearby waterway (erguson Twp., Centre County) by Jumpy-Natural4868
Why can't I ever get an accidental heating oil delivery?
Mijbr090490 t1_j4sl2gh wrote
Reply to Dear PLCB, it's now cost-effectiove for me to drive out of state to buy alcohol. Why aren't you passing your volume buying discounts to Pennsylvanians? by pm_your_masterpiece
Taxes on alcohol, tobacco etc wouldnt bother me if they went to useful things. They aren't great for a functioning society, but you can't make them go away. Might as well tax the fuck out of them.
Mijbr090490 t1_j4dl9si wrote
Reply to comment by PregnantSuperman in Have you thought about checking your PPL electric rate? by BrightProfessional8
Wow. That's some bs. January is usually one of my lowest consumption months and their estimation beats the highest I had in the summer.
Mijbr090490 t1_j4cwh4i wrote
Reply to comment by PregnantSuperman in Have you thought about checking your PPL electric rate? by BrightProfessional8
Just logged into my account and saw that the usage was estimated. I know I didn't use 1700kWh. Did they send an email or something about a credit?
Mijbr090490 t1_j4b6lmt wrote
Reply to comment by bitterbeerfaces in Have you thought about checking your PPL electric rate? by BrightProfessional8
Yeah I'm still at 8 for PPL. Going to hurt almost doubling. Might switch to candles.
Mijbr090490 t1_j4azkcs wrote
Reply to comment by Phantom_spook in Hunter won’t face charges for killing dog in Berks County by narkj
That's the thing. Did he just see a puff of grey fur and pull the trigger? He didnt properly identify his target.
Mijbr090490 t1_j47qlfd wrote
If you are enrolled in Hacc you can park for free. I'd honestly pay the 15 bucks to park at Hacc if you aren't so you didn't have to ride the COVID express from the Elmerton Ave lot. If you choose to do that, take linglestown Rd and turn onto Industrial Rd taking that to the Hacc lots. Like others said, AVOID CAMERON ST.
Mijbr090490 t1_j47ifd5 wrote
Reply to comment by awuweiday in Hunter won’t face charges for killing dog in Berks County by narkj
I hunted for 15 years. If I couldn't tell for certain what I was aiming at or what was beyond the target, I wasn't shooting. Whether the person or pet was wearing orange at all didn't matter. If you can't tell the two apart, then it's time to give up hunting. The woods are full of a bunch of trigger happy rednecks anymore, especially around rifle season. Part of the reason I gave it up. I love the outdoors, but I try to stay out of the woods during rifle season.
Mijbr090490 t1_j47fqx1 wrote
Reply to comment by Carl_the_neighbor in Pennsylvania Senate passes bill to cut state gas tax by wildfireonvenus
It is an at will state. They can simply say they found a better fit. Don't tell any employer you have a medical marijuana card. Best bet is to get clean or use fake piss. Protect yourself because the state won't.
Mijbr090490 t1_j6pdllh wrote
Reply to Bipartisan group of House leaders moves to intervene in dispute over accessing Rep. Scott Perry's phone by themollusk
This dude needs to go. I'm in his district and cant wait to see his career end. Democrats keep inching closer to flipping this seat each election round. If this takes him down sooner, fucking great.