
Mikimao t1_j0ubor6 wrote

There is a difference between hate the performance and hate the character you see on screen. Most complaints I have read regarding the boys firmly falls firmly in the first category.

I think it's pretty clear the girls carry this show. You can leave Wednesday feeling Jenna Ortega is irreplicable in that role, I don't think most of us feel this way about any of the male characters. They didn't elicit strong feelings of hate, validating a performance, they were just less interesting than their female counter parts.


Mikimao t1_ixmbhle wrote

There are some really awesome aspects to Japanese fan culture. At international events I have been to, the Japanese fans are the ones making the pretty custom banners, they cheer for everyone, but their favorite's extra hard, and generally just add a passionate group of people who love the athletes. Would be cool if some of these things caught on in other fandoms.