ModernNancyDrew t1_jas5xvx wrote
Reply to comment by Gobergoober in Museum issues appeal to save famed "Misty of Chincoteague" ranch from being sold to developers by ZebZ
I wrote Marguerite Henry all the time as a kid and she always answered me. I still have her letters. It was her book, "Mustang: Wild Spirit of the West" that inspired me to adopt a Mustang as an adult and Brighty of the Grand Canyon inspired me to get a miniature donkey.
ModernNancyDrew t1_ja8gwls wrote
Reply to What obscure kids' novel stuck with you (literally) into adulthood? (Potential TW of child neglect) by DerpiestLilDhampir
Mustang: Wild Spirit of the West by Marguerite Henry is about the plight of America's wild horses. It led me to become an activist at around age 9 and I continue to pursue issues around Mustangs. I adopted a Mustang from the BLM about 15 years ago and she is a great little saddle horse. When I was a kid I used to write the author all the time and she always answered me; I still have her letters. I loved her other books as well, but this is the one that really stuck with me, although reading Brighty of the Grand Canyon to my kids led us to adopt a miniature donkey named, "The Reckless Peanut."
ModernNancyDrew t1_ja3j53c wrote
I use reading journals; there are several types available and I like to switch between them and use different ones when I finish up one. I like that they are organized into a biblography section, a rating section, a summary area - this makes it much easier for me to use them.
ModernNancyDrew t1_j1mls8b wrote
I live in a rural part of Colorado and in the winter it can be difficult or impossible to get out. So, in the summer I go to garage sales, estate sales, thrift shops and anywhere else I can find unused book (and puzzles.) I arrange the books in my library from most to least interesting and then read my way through it during the winter. I also use the Amazon wishlist app and a paper book journal.
ModernNancyDrew t1_j1mke75 wrote
Reply to comment by vulgarlibrary in How do you keep track of your I might want to read this list? by boxer_dogs_dance
I have a book journal that has an area for books I want to read.
ModernNancyDrew t1_ix8dp8f wrote
Reply to Someone Left this cat at my motel. I can't realistically take long term responsibility for another animal, and was hoping someone could help him find a home. I haven't lived here long enough to really know anybody. by ErisEpicene
Wild Blue Cats is a no-kill shelter. Thank you for caring for this cat!
ModernNancyDrew t1_iwvf26e wrote
Reply to Gone Girl by LeighKing2001
I really liked it. The movie was also pretty good imho.
ModernNancyDrew t1_iuiedg5 wrote
Reply to Felt like this before? by [deleted]
The Woman in Cabin 10
The Girl on the Train
The Chalk Man
ModernNancyDrew t1_je8azu8 wrote
Reply to comment by Max_E_Mas in I read an article about Missouri’s House cutting funding to their libraries and it made me really sad. by poopmaester41
You may be able to get books for your grandma at Little Free Libraries, thrift stores, and garage sales. I guess this is the new, "black market."