
ModernNancyDrew t1_ja8gwls wrote

Mustang: Wild Spirit of the West by Marguerite Henry is about the plight of America's wild horses. It led me to become an activist at around age 9 and I continue to pursue issues around Mustangs. I adopted a Mustang from the BLM about 15 years ago and she is a great little saddle horse. When I was a kid I used to write the author all the time and she always answered me; I still have her letters. I loved her other books as well, but this is the one that really stuck with me, although reading Brighty of the Grand Canyon to my kids led us to adopt a miniature donkey named, "The Reckless Peanut."


ModernNancyDrew t1_j1mls8b wrote

I live in a rural part of Colorado and in the winter it can be difficult or impossible to get out. So, in the summer I go to garage sales, estate sales, thrift shops and anywhere else I can find unused book (and puzzles.) I arrange the books in my library from most to least interesting and then read my way through it during the winter. I also use the Amazon wishlist app and a paper book journal.