
Mollybrinks t1_j7jfjor wrote

Well, I'm well and truly fucked. I've had everything from sleep walking to lucid dreaming to literally "seeing" my dreamscape even after kinda waking up, overlaid over the real room I was sleeping in. I had to dodge through a bunch of trees one time to get to the light switch so I could stop the dreamscape. And grandpa just died of lewy body dementia. Good times.


Mollybrinks t1_j75swcx wrote

Years ago, Cards Against Humanity admitted their cards were made in China in a factory with standard (shitty) work conditions. They paid for the factory to close and the workers to actually have paid time off, where normally they'd have been redirected to other work. It was a good thing to do, but an even better thing would have been sourcing their work somewhere without those types of labor conditions.


Mollybrinks t1_j5xhgwk wrote

I need inspiration myself. I turn to bad habits in boredom after my spouse's earlier bedtime. But given that I have a workshop myself that I should use more, maybe let's try to inspire each other. Do you have a lathe? Try making pens. Small, easy, beautiful, everyone loves getting one. No lathe? I made a stupidly simple bird feeder- just a flat platform with raised sides that I nailed to a post outside my window. During the day I can watch the squirrels and birds come in.


Mollybrinks t1_j0xrm3z wrote

I love this. Growing up, I had two older brothers who were kinda savant in their own fields - one in music, one in math. In retrospect, I think if I'd have grown up in any other household, I'd have been confident in my abilities. I mean, I was always a straight-A student, excelled in various interests and abilities, etc etc but it always paled in comparison to how my brothers were breaking local barriers in their specific fields. Fast forward 20 years and neither uses their talents and have varying success. One thing one brother (the math one, funny enough) was amazing at was piano. We were both competitive but I think his math brain made him much more precise musically and he routinely won 1st at competition. I occasionally got first, but was not as good as he was. That said, I'm the one who pulled strings and sacrificed to get myself a piano after college and still play to this day. I'm playing things he never dreamed of playing when we were young. If he'd stuck with it, I have no doubt that he'd be better than I am now, but he didn't. He never loved it, so never progressed. I honestly wish he had because he'd be amazing but I'm also happy to be able to play without having to compare myself to him.