
MontEcola t1_iuglnp3 wrote

Does the bottom unscrew? I think the inside is glass. Wash it with soap and water, and you are good to go.

They do break, so be careful. I doubt the Five and Dime downstreet carries replacements anymore. I was a buck-fifteen when I replaced my first one.

That thermos was the standard model that fit into the top of a Stanley Dinner Bucket. What you youngsters call a lunch box.

The five and dime became the Dollar Store, which is now the buck and a half store where I live. Woolworths and Ben Franklin were the brand names for Five and Dime stores.


MontEcola t1_iubgrni wrote

I agree.

TV, radio and other outlets make a ton of money running their ads. Too many politicians lie and make personal attacks that we need to put up with.

I would like to see a law where the TV network can be sued if they run an ad that later proves to have false information. When I was a kid, stations often refused to run those ads. Some still do, but not enough. I would like to see the politicians get sued too. But having the media company held responsible for lies would make a huge difference.


MontEcola t1_itt3fh0 wrote

File a police report. Contact animal control, or what ever it is called in your area. With each call, also ask who else you should be contacting.

And ask the vet to give your a print out to use in your legal case against the neighbor.


MontEcola t1_isup9uq wrote

Perhaps he is using the wrong term? Perhaps he wants to say 'trading stocks'? Read the comment at the end.

I heard a report on NPR about members of congress trading stocks. And getting richer than the professional traders in doing it. There are two things wrong with this.

1). Members will have information not available to the general public. Which makes them insiders.

2). Members will create legislation for certain industries which will change how a stock performs. And that promotes incentive for stock traders who know to buy or sell those stocks.

There was an argument between people who know more about it than me. Some called # 1 and 2 insider trading. Others said it was not. And both sides agreed that members of congress from all parties were getting richer than the average skilled trader.

So, I will give him credit for seeing a problem, and wanting to take steps to define and ban those practices. I say make the law clear and then stick to it.

The proposal I heard was that elected officials would be banned from trading stocks.