MoonageDayscream t1_j96hfom wrote
Reply to comment by excludedfaithful in Ukrainian Children Taken By Russia Reunite With Their Families In Kyiv by Strongbow85
They were not kidnapped because Russia wanted to exterminate them, they were kidnapped because Russia has a population crisis as they wanted to take them out of Ukraine, and take anything Ukrainian out of the kids. The kids were destined to become loyal Russians willing to serve Russia, and not feeding and caring for them would have made the kids more stubbornly Ukrainian, not less.
MoonageDayscream t1_j6hnru8 wrote
Reply to comment by brenlin7 in Most longer words will soon disappear. by TheConstructorFL
I don't think they were shortened because they sound better, that is what I said. They were shortened because it was easier to type. Remember having to hit a number key three times to get a "C" or an "F"?
MoonageDayscream t1_j6hlbe7 wrote
Reply to comment by mattatattat45 in Most longer words will soon disappear. by TheConstructorFL
Nope! Mid 50s.
MoonageDayscream t1_j6hkh6q wrote
Reply to comment by No-Idea56 in Most longer words will soon disappear. by TheConstructorFL
Nah, they are shortened because it's easier to thumb type a short word and to add, now that autocorrect is so prevalent many people are losing the knowledge of proper spelling.
MoonageDayscream t1_j6hk9m4 wrote
No, proper words will still be used, just not as casually.
MoonageDayscream t1_j6ff9e2 wrote
MoonageDayscream t1_j44at7h wrote
Reply to comment by GapingFleshwound in Underdefined Terms in the Abortion Debate by ADefiniteDescription
Lol at unmolested. What the truth is that a fertilized egg must "molest" a host to achieve anything. Leave it in a petri dish and see what happens, I'll wait.
MoonageDayscream t1_j2ezw9g wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in Court: Abortion doctors can’t be charged under Arizona law by Freexscsa
It's you, not the headline. You are so focused on your silly narrative you can't see it makes perfect sense. As the headline states, this law cannot be used to prosecute doctors for abortions. That has absolutely no effect on the other laws (like malpractice) that a doctor could be prosecuted under. It most certainly does not say that a doctor can't be charged under any law, just that they can't be charged with violating this one, pre statehood, law.
MoonageDayscream t1_j1l45m0 wrote
Reply to Working in a bar on Xmas Eve. Waiting for my boss to notice that I changed the Yule Log on the TVs. by AsterEsque
We watch this one while opening presets.
MoonageDayscream t1_j11zvwe wrote
Reply to comment by mrxexon in Which of the Rolling Stones albums is the greatest? and why? by Moving_in_stereo78
I recently saw a docu about that studio, amazing story there.
MoonageDayscream t1_ixxac4t wrote
Reply to Did Bridge to Terabithia emotionally scar anyone else as much as it emotionally scarred me? by Getofffmycloud
I loved the book so much I felt the movie couldn't hurt me. I knew already, and was awash in the nostalgia of my childhood grief and the affirmation that wasn't alone in my loneliness.
MoonageDayscream t1_ixs3gx5 wrote
Reply to I received 11 dinner plates for my sister. This is all the packaging they came in. by Able-Bodied-Virgin
Can't be too careful with round planes of glass though. Anyone breaks and it could take out the rest with the loose bits.
MoonageDayscream t1_ixc5rfj wrote
I thought JFK would be at least one step higher. But I suppose there are so many options in the area they can't really get over the top.
MoonageDayscream t1_ix5w31y wrote
Reply to comment by Slacktopia in Paramore Had Lots Of Fun Protesting The ‘Don’t Say Gay’ Law At Their Florida Show by [deleted]
"When has it ever been okay for an adult (other then the parents/ guardian) to talk about gender..."
How is this question not about gender?
MoonageDayscream t1_ix5cclr wrote
Reply to comment by Slacktopia in Paramore Had Lots Of Fun Protesting The ‘Don’t Say Gay’ Law At Their Florida Show by [deleted]
It's always been ok. How old were you when you were taught about gender? I remember teachers sorting us by gender. I remember "Sugar and spice and everything nice, that's what little girls are made of. Snips and snails and puppy dog tails, that's what little boys are made of." How old were you when you were first introduced to the idea that Mommy and Daddy were married? Attended a wedding? Should we ban children from being ringbearers and flower girls because they is participating in socially sanctioned sexual expression? It makes as much sense as banning a book where Timmy has two dads or firing a teacher for mentioning their same sex spouse.
MoonageDayscream t1_ix57l9i wrote
Reply to comment by Slacktopia in Paramore Had Lots Of Fun Protesting The ‘Don’t Say Gay’ Law At Their Florida Show by [deleted]
I agree. We need to ban every single book that mentions mommy and daddy being married. Or even just having a mommy and daddy at home what could the kids learn? That mommie and daddies might share a bedroom? How awful!
MoonageDayscream t1_ix56w0c wrote
Reply to comment by HardRock_HardCock in Paramore Had Lots Of Fun Protesting The ‘Don’t Say Gay’ Law At Their Florida Show by [deleted]
Kids are not stupid. They may be ignorant, they may be irreverent, they may be awful. But they aren't stupid.
MoonageDayscream t1_ix4j8oi wrote
Reply to comment by LowGradePlayer in Paramore Had Lots Of Fun Protesting The ‘Don’t Say Gay’ Law At Their Florida Show by [deleted]
Barring a second grade teacher from being able to even mention their legal marriage is not about education, it's about erasure.
MoonageDayscream t1_ivzqgbv wrote
Reply to comment by ASK_IF_IM_PENGUIN in LPT:Kid throw stuff near your tv? Protect it. by ChocoBro92
LPT, don't have kids. Instead, have small adults that have the ability to reason and weigh long term consequences.
MoonageDayscream t1_ivgrhc3 wrote
Reply to comment by EmotionalAd5920 in Cardinal Ricard among 11 French bishops accused of abuse by motayba
It's well known that offenders in the Church are protected. Not so much the secular institutions that offer similar access and those certainly don't have the global reach to shelter them, the social control to force silence or "forgiveness", or the deep pockets to harass or pay off victims and their families.
MoonageDayscream t1_ivgqrqc wrote
Reply to comment by PeterP211 in Cardinal Ricard among 11 French bishops accused of abuse by motayba
Not just escape, they can offend over and over and still get forgiveness, absolution, protection, and further access to new victims.
MoonageDayscream t1_iuj9ph1 wrote
Reply to comment by JubeltheBear in Man accused of sexually harassing 10-year-old, attacking her mother when confronted by InflationOk300
Legal definition? I don't know if they actually do what you are looking for here. There's a statute for forcible rape and one or more for non forcible. They are left vague so they they cover many situations, and the prosecution has the opportunity to decide which fit best.
Some people don't believe that certain situations are "real rape". I have heard arguments that if the victim was unconscious then it wasn't "rape rape" because she didn't know it was happening. Same for those in a medical facility raped by a caregiver while they were sedated. It's horrifying to hear this argument. Some people think that consent can't be revoked, that going outside agreed parameters (like wearing a condom) isn't a violation of consent, etc.
MoonageDayscream t1_iui52iu wrote
Reply to comment by JubeltheBear in Man accused of sexually harassing 10-year-old, attacking her mother when confronted by InflationOk300
What do you mean?
MoonageDayscream t1_iugx3vd wrote
Reply to comment by Kilvayne in Man accused of sexually harassing 10-year-old, attacking her mother when confronted by InflationOk300
An unconscious or drugged person cannot consent by default, so there no force would be necessary.
MoonageDayscream t1_j9qz58h wrote
Reply to Alaska lawmaker censured for asking if fatal child abuse saved taxpayer money by notunek
Well Wasilla isn't sending their best. Bet that guy has some skeletons.