
Mooshtonk t1_jd651ei wrote

I tested positive for covid last week on Monday. It was a rough week. Worst sore throat I’ve ever had. I didn’t even know a throat could hurt that bad. It was ridiculous. My nose was like a faucet just constantly dripping. Finally feeling better now but it’s made my autoimmune disease flare up worse than I’ve seen in a decade.


Mooshtonk t1_j7i6usi wrote

Reply to comment by GeoWannaBe in Yuhp by QuiGonLogan

More like 100 plus times. It’s been happening since that Walmart was built. I know someone that hit it 12 years ago


Mooshtonk t1_ixwpzde wrote

You need to grow the fuck up. Get a therapist, talk to your doctor. Do whatever it takes to get a hold of your life. You are almost 30 years for fuck's sake. Enough of this I don't believe in myself bullshit. I know life isn't easy, but you need an attitude adjustment. You're a grown up now act like it. Exercise, healthy eating, healthy habits, talk with a therapist. C'mon! You can do it!