Mooshtonk t1_j9jkvcc wrote
Reply to comment by casewood123 in What happened to the Bangor Bull Moose? Seems like it’s really falling apart. by McGillicuddysGhost
There's a couple record stores in Brunswick if you get a chance to come back. Also in Brunswick is a weekend only flea market in an old mill that has quite a few records.
Mooshtonk t1_j9jkfei wrote
Reply to comment by McGillicuddysGhost in What happened to the Bangor Bull Moose? Seems like it’s really falling apart. by McGillicuddysGhost
Deep Groove is great. Small store but not too small, and the owner is a cool guy. Prices are a bit higher than The Record Connection but you will only find mint records there, all cleaned on a vacuum machine.
Mooshtonk t1_j9i7jmq wrote
Reply to comment by casewood123 in What happened to the Bangor Bull Moose? Seems like it’s really falling apart. by McGillicuddysGhost
What do you think of the record connection in Waterville? Personally I liked it better at the old location. The new location is huge and nice but I haven't found anything good there in awhile. I used to always find stuff.
Mooshtonk t1_j98mhmg wrote
Reply to comment by LeadPipe_7964 in What’s up with Bangor? by EmeraldMoose12
Rumford is depressing.
Mooshtonk t1_j97mpxd wrote
Reply to What’s up with Bangor? by EmeraldMoose12
You think Bangor is bad, you should see Lewiston.
Mooshtonk t1_j87712o wrote
Reply to Maintain the integrity of our town! Preserve Freeport’s charming and historic parking lots! by bitesandcats
Just like the people in Brunswick/Topsham that oppose rebuilding that ugly rusty ass bridge
Mooshtonk t1_j7i6usi wrote
Reply to comment by GeoWannaBe in Yuhp by QuiGonLogan
More like 100 plus times. It’s been happening since that Walmart was built. I know someone that hit it 12 years ago
Mooshtonk t1_j7fzuso wrote
Reply to Martins Point sucks ass! by [deleted]
You sound like an asshole. Stop complaining.
Mooshtonk t1_ixwpzde wrote
Reply to comment by J4ywolf in Can I legally Drive by myself if I have a permit? by J4ywolf
You need to grow the fuck up. Get a therapist, talk to your doctor. Do whatever it takes to get a hold of your life. You are almost 30 years for fuck's sake. Enough of this I don't believe in myself bullshit. I know life isn't easy, but you need an attitude adjustment. You're a grown up now act like it. Exercise, healthy eating, healthy habits, talk with a therapist. C'mon! You can do it!
Mooshtonk t1_iwese0e wrote
Reply to Rumford last night by LittleZedZed
Looks like a scene from The Deer Hunter
Mooshtonk t1_iw5jt0m wrote
Reply to comment by svengoalie in Maine Nordiques hockey in Lewiston, definitely worth it for a good time with the family! by LordHamburguesa1
Mooshtonk t1_jd651ei wrote
Reply to Higher breakthrough rate lately with Covid in Maine? by BadLuckShoesie
I tested positive for covid last week on Monday. It was a rough week. Worst sore throat I’ve ever had. I didn’t even know a throat could hurt that bad. It was ridiculous. My nose was like a faucet just constantly dripping. Finally feeling better now but it’s made my autoimmune disease flare up worse than I’ve seen in a decade.