
MoreGuitarPlease t1_iwu4llu wrote

Reply to comment by evilmullet in moving to MA by allyntote

Super random suggestion. Dedham is a suburb. Generic and boring. Not really that close to Raynham either.

If you’re under 30 and single, I’d suggest moving closer to Providence.


MoreGuitarPlease t1_ivr7cz1 wrote

It used to be like that for me, and sometimes it still is. I first started practicing meditation about 30 years ago and did it for a few months. Maybe 5 years ago I added it back and even if it’s 5 minutes a day, I do it. Once a week or so, I’m able to get a nice long one in.

I do it at the same time of the morning every day. Sometimes my mind races, sometimes I’m calm. Sometimes answers come to me, sometimes I am in a dreamlike daze. Sometimes i feel a so amazing, sometimes I’m very frustrated and worn out.

Our brains are complicated things that have to process a lot more every day. There are a lot of stressors out there. But keep going. That’s all part of it. Over months and years, you will gain more calm and less inner anxiety. Spending that time with yourself will let you know what is important to you and what isn’t.

I hope you give it another shot, It’s worth it.


MoreGuitarPlease t1_ivornzk wrote

I agree with you. It’s too bad that hate has taken over.

As a vet, and an older white guy, I won’t even display my flag anymore. It’s a mark of the facist party now. I can’t beat to be associated with that.

Don’t tread on me is also great in spirit, but if I see that flag now, I know exactly what that person really means that it’s ok for him to tread on whatever he wants.