MoreGuitarPlease t1_ixjvbjd wrote
Reply to comment by Peeeculiar in Moving to Boston with my son soon and want to take him to his very first game, between the Bruins, the Celtics, and the Sox, which do you feel has the most family-friendly atmosphere? by Indecisive_kangaroo
Definitely gonna be some at a bruins game but isn’t that why we go? May as well get him started young.
Fuck the Habs!
MoreGuitarPlease t1_ixb3zuk wrote
Reply to comment by FooFatFighters in Car crashes into Apple Store in Hingham, trapping multiple people inside by B1Baker
Apparently, It was the upscale shopping center that decided that they didn’t need them.
MoreGuitarPlease t1_ix051l8 wrote
Reply to Just Great... by chickadeedadee2185
MoreGuitarPlease t1_iwzn81p wrote
Reply to comment by Malcyn42 in [OC] Choose wisely - Warren buffet got paid $704 mln in dividends only while the CEO's total compensation was $24.6 mln by theverybigapple
He ain’t risking anything either.
MoreGuitarPlease t1_iwzn5tg wrote
Reply to comment by BlueTommyD in [OC] Choose wisely - Warren buffet got paid $704 mln in dividends only while the CEO's total compensation was $24.6 mln by theverybigapple
Wait I thought they all just worked harder than us.
MoreGuitarPlease t1_iwvacnd wrote
Reply to Can we all agree to disown Mark Wahlberg? by [deleted]
He gets a pass from me for Rockstar.
MoreGuitarPlease t1_iwuf24d wrote
Reply to comment by therapeutic-distance in moving to MA by allyntote
That’s where I live. I’m a mid 50’s guy with a family and a mortgage. Extremely boring besides my season tix to Xfinity center.
Not exactly a great place for the younger crowd.
MoreGuitarPlease t1_iwu4n98 wrote
Reply to comment by therapeutic-distance in moving to MA by allyntote
And nothing going on at all….
MoreGuitarPlease t1_iwu4llu wrote
Reply to comment by evilmullet in moving to MA by allyntote
Super random suggestion. Dedham is a suburb. Generic and boring. Not really that close to Raynham either.
If you’re under 30 and single, I’d suggest moving closer to Providence.
MoreGuitarPlease t1_iwsbha5 wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in by bostondotcom
I’d even go so far as to eliminate football from the school for a year.
MoreGuitarPlease t1_iws6itg wrote
Reply to People who leave 10 car lengths between them and the car in front of them on the highway in traffic going < 40mph… WHY?!?? by dubble_chyn
I set my adaptive cruise control to 3 car lengths and just cruise. The maga trucks don’t like me but whatever.
MoreGuitarPlease t1_iwm7tly wrote
Reply to Recent business closures in Worcester’s Canal District may be a casualty of success, rising property values by HRJafael
Success for wealthy people.
MoreGuitarPlease t1_iwe2icw wrote
Reply to hiking new england by ___j-b___
I’d get out there now rather than in mud season.
MoreGuitarPlease t1_ivwa2qf wrote
Reply to Sunday Brunch Recommendations by ariwerth
I’ve never been but Altea’s always seems packed. Keep meaning to go.
MoreGuitarPlease t1_ivtav69 wrote
Reply to comment by steezyaspie in What Boston suburbs are LGBT+ friendly? by Icy-Egg-7755
I moved more west a couple years ago. There are a LOT more trumpies out here. Not saying it’s bad, just not as good. You’re 100% gonna have a couple run-ins out this way.
MoreGuitarPlease t1_ivr7cz1 wrote
Reply to comment by WashingtonFierce in Meditation works as well as a popular drug to reduce anxiety, study finds by AmethystOrator
It used to be like that for me, and sometimes it still is. I first started practicing meditation about 30 years ago and did it for a few months. Maybe 5 years ago I added it back and even if it’s 5 minutes a day, I do it. Once a week or so, I’m able to get a nice long one in.
I do it at the same time of the morning every day. Sometimes my mind races, sometimes I’m calm. Sometimes answers come to me, sometimes I am in a dreamlike daze. Sometimes i feel a so amazing, sometimes I’m very frustrated and worn out.
Our brains are complicated things that have to process a lot more every day. There are a lot of stressors out there. But keep going. That’s all part of it. Over months and years, you will gain more calm and less inner anxiety. Spending that time with yourself will let you know what is important to you and what isn’t.
I hope you give it another shot, It’s worth it.
MoreGuitarPlease t1_ivqlp5g wrote
Reply to What Boston suburbs are LGBT+ friendly? by Icy-Egg-7755
Compared to most of the the rest of the country, anywhere east of Worcester should be pretty great.
It’s really not a thing that anyone I knows seems to care about.
MoreGuitarPlease t1_ivpj3w1 wrote
Reply to comment by Wtf_is_this1234 in Who else is surprised Q4 was so close? by 737900ER
We obviously need a better immigration and enforcement policy in the macroeconomic sense, but you’re less likely to be screwed in the microeconomic sense with this law in place.
But you’re right this is a bandaid that does nothing to solve the real issue.
MoreGuitarPlease t1_ivornzk wrote
Reply to comment by jgghn in 3% of Massachusetts voted for The Green Party by Linux-Is-Best
I agree with you. It’s too bad that hate has taken over.
As a vet, and an older white guy, I won’t even display my flag anymore. It’s a mark of the facist party now. I can’t beat to be associated with that.
Don’t tread on me is also great in spirit, but if I see that flag now, I know exactly what that person really means that it’s ok for him to tread on whatever he wants.
MoreGuitarPlease t1_ivmr39y wrote
Reply to comment by TheFinestPotatoes in [OC] Alcohol Consumption in the United States 2022 by eqqqxy
All of New England
MoreGuitarPlease t1_ivgkpgt wrote
Get a sticker and write on that.
MoreGuitarPlease t1_iv5panf wrote
Reply to Not sure if this has been posted here already by MTRIFE
More billionaire shit. Exactly not what was supposed happen.
MoreGuitarPlease t1_iup4gpw wrote
Reply to PSA re: the MassPike: The Left lane is for *passing*. If you aren’t passing? Stay in the Right lane. Please. Thank you. by mrsnrub77
WRONG! The left lane is for staties to drive 95 in.
MoreGuitarPlease t1_iuax7wr wrote
Reply to comment by March_Latter in Mass. Tax Refunds Will Start To Flow On Tuesday by plawwell
So we keep our well funded schools well funded and fund other things…sounds great to me.
MoreGuitarPlease t1_ixke2rr wrote
Reply to comment by LadyGreyIcedTea in Moving to Boston with my son soon and want to take him to his very first game, between the Bruins, the Celtics, and the Sox, which do you feel has the most family-friendly atmosphere? by Indecisive_kangaroo
I agree, but If they keep playing this well, there’s gonna be a lot of extras along for the ride. That’s cool too!!!