
MpVpRb t1_j1qtwb9 wrote

>when people interact with someone from their social “outgroup,” they often come to view that outgroup in a more favorable light

Related story

My brother is a Republican. While I lean conservative on many issues, I find today's Republicans to be dangerous and terrifying. When we have a private, rational discussion on specific policies, we agree on many points

When he's on a rant, he spews the most awful, irrational hate for all Democrats and love for Trump

The interaction with the outgroup needs to be a rational policy discussion, not an angry rant


MpVpRb t1_j1mq9ny wrote

Current AI systems do not generate, they remix. I'll be impressed when they create something original. The idea of magically creating complexity from a simple text prompt is silly. The text would need to be as complex as the desired result. Given the poor quality of much of today's media, AI could probably equal them soon. So to answer the question, it will lead to vast quantities of boring crap

There are truly exciting things I believe AI will do. Complexity in software is cancer and it's getting worse. I don't see AI writing useful, complex software from a simple text prompt, I see an AI assistant that helps programmers manage complexity, find unintended side-effects, unplanned dependencies, edge cases, undefined behavior and other things that human programmers have problems with

In politics, we currently have a mess, where every politically active person or group tries to predict the result of legislation they support or oppose. Prediction is hard, and laws most often fail to achieve their stated purpose. An AI based political simulator could give us better insight into the real effects of laws before they are passed


MpVpRb t1_j19isrk wrote

Mostly agreed

Many of the proposed uses of VR seem silly and not very well thought out. In the article, shopping is discussed. If you know the part number and simply want to order it, today's systems work fine. For things like clothes, you want to see them in person, feel their texture and more importantly, feel the fit. There is no substitute for physical reality in this case

I can easily imagine industrial and scientific uses for the tech. It's already useful in games and I imagine artists will find a use for it, but a lot of what's proposed by its supporters seems silly


MpVpRb t1_izhj1rg wrote

Everything in the post is exaggerated. Most of the referenced tech actually works a bit less good than stated. I'm optimistic about the future of this tech, but while the present shows promise, the pundits are ignoring the real limitations

One response to the article

>Can you imagine the effect this is going to have on academia?

yup. Any test that can ne taken by an AI will be redesigned. Homework writing assignments will be replaced by writing assignments in a closed room with no outside access or an oral presentation