
MrDickford t1_j620f4k wrote

It’s going to bring together the demographic that wishes DC was more like the wealthy suburb they grew up in and the demographic that wishes it was still 2000, when a million fewer people lived in the DC metro area and they could do three point turns on 14th street at rush hour without getting honked at.


MrDickford t1_j3mohmk wrote

If you need to move a family around, move cargo, travel a long distance, or travel between points that public transportation doesn’t connect very well, then a bike doesn’t work and public transportation is often inadequate. The case of the single traveler who needs to get between two locations downtown and has time to burn is also atypical.

Improving public transportation is a worthy but long term goal that also involves increasing the density of the city to the point where mass public transportation is sustainable. In the meantime, insisting that everyone immediately ditch their car and start biking is unreasonable.


MrDickford t1_j1zca96 wrote

The drunk driver dude sucks but everybody already knows that. He’s sitting at the bottom of the page at -41 now, it’s not even a debate anymore. You should just anyone you’re talking to thinks he’s a piece of shit unless they explicitly say otherwise.

Calling r/fuckcars an “anti-car first infrastructure sub” seems disingenuous. I don’t frequent the sub, but the people who do who have come to this sub have been toxic, aggressive, and seemingly motivated more by personal grievance than by a desire to make cities safer and more navigable. OP is all over the thread passive aggressively questioning anyone who admits to occasionally riding in a car, he clearly just has an axe to grind.


MrDickford t1_ixi2nbc wrote

I don’t think I ever implied they were 1:1. Aggressive drivers are obviously a much bigger problem than aggressive bikers. But you can’t mention aggressive and/or entitled bikers without someone from the biker community showing up to retort that cars are more dangerous to bikers, which implies either than only one of those things can be true, or that it’s ok for bikers to do whatever they want because cars are dangerous.


MrDickford t1_ixf4ax6 wrote

People sacrifice safety to save money all the time. But for many people, a bike doesn’t do everything they need it to. If you need to go long distances, leave the city, move a family, or carry a load, then you probably need a car, and a bike just becomes something you need to buy in addition to a car.

Very few people, especially on this forum, just don’t understand the importance of keeping pedestrians and bikers safe. But investing in public transportation seems like a much more effective solution. Prescribing bikes and more bike lanes as the blanket transportation solution for everybody makes it sound like you either don’t understand that not everybody’s needs mirror yours, or that you don’t care about those people.


MrDickford t1_ixec4uv wrote

This is such a weird argument. It doesn’t have to be either-or, we can say that aggressive and reckless drivers are a problem in DC and also that bikers frequently act entitled to do whatever they please.

But whenever someone argues the latter, bike advocates show up in droves to explain that it’s ok for bikers to be jerks because cars pose a danger to bikers.