MrEloi t1_j5l6vhp wrote
A lot of my digital marketing and copywriting co-workers recently just
got laid off thanks to Chat GPT. We were 10 back then and now we’re
reduced to just 3 people handling the same number of clients
Are you serious about this?
MrEloi t1_j5kueub wrote
Reply to Steelmanning AI pessimists. by atomsinmove
I've no idea about the AGI timeline.
However, we are very close to quasi AGI.
We could have 99% human-like help desk, human like doctors etc within a year or so.
MrEloi t1_j5ku3gu wrote
Reply to comment by red75prime in Steelmanning AI pessimists. by atomsinmove
That is clearly the obvious next step.
I'm not sure how easy that will be 'tho.
It could be that a large 'frozen' model in combination with some clever run-time code and a modicum of short/medium term memory would suffice.
After all, the human brain seems (to me) to be a huge static memory plus relatively little run-time stuff.
MrEloi t1_j5j2hz1 wrote
Reply to [D] With more compute could it be easy to quickly un Mask all the people on Reddit by using text correlations to non masked publicly available text data? by Loquzofaricoalaphar
Most people are already uniquely identifiable via browser fingerprinting.
The Powers That Be can find you if they are interested enough.
The Una Bomber had the 'right' idea with regard to security - he lived in a basic hut in the woods.
Ironically, he was identified by his writing style ... his brother recognized the text style in a letter sent by Ted Kaczynski.
MrEloi t1_j59ju7r wrote
Step 1 : Pummel OpenAI until they agree to delay GPT4 several months on "safety" grounds.
Step 2 : Relax OUR safety barriers in order to rush a competing product to market.
MrEloi t1_j567l6l wrote
Reply to comment by OldWorldRevival in Instead of escaping to virtual realities, what if we just made our reality as good as any virtual reality could be? by [deleted]
I generally try to make helpful or interesting posts .. but there are always random spotty faced teenage boys sitting in squalor in their parent's basement who simply have to make a 'clever' and/or abusive reply.
There are also 'special interest groups' out there.
I made a post on MachineLearning critical of Google ... instantly mega downvoted.
I suppose many DeepMind staff reside there.
They may be geniuses .. but child geniuses.
MrEloi t1_j55u01k wrote
Reply to Instead of escaping to virtual realities, what if we just made our reality as good as any virtual reality could be? by [deleted]
>> people are being absolute jerks.
Err, not really.
I scanned almost all the comments ... very high decency-to-jerk ratio.
MrEloi t1_j55svcd wrote
Reply to comment by genshiryoku in AGI by 2024, the hard part is now done ? by flowday
>we simply don't have enough data on the collective internet for us to keep scaling it further than that.
Why do we need more data? We already have a lot.
We now need to work on the run-time aspects more e.g. short and long term memories etc.
MrEloi t1_j55smpe wrote
Reply to AGI by 2024, the hard part is now done ? by flowday
Some say that ChatGPT is "just a database which spits out the most probable next word".
These naysayers should dive into how the transformer systems really work
It's clear (to me at least) that these systems embody most/much of what a true AI needs.
That linked article covers the next steps towards AI comprehensively.
MrEloi t1_j55bq3c wrote
Reply to comment by alexiuss in Getty Images is suing the creators of AI art tool Stable Diffusion for scraping its content by nick7566
Probably right - but could take a few years.
MrEloi t1_j50xv28 wrote
Reply to Instead of escaping to virtual realities, what if we just made our reality as good as any virtual reality could be? by [deleted]
Interesting take.
MrEloi t1_j4zdx7j wrote
Reply to comment by No_Ninja3309_NoNoYes in OpenAI's CEO Sam Altman won't tell you when they reach AGI, and they're closer than he wants to let on: A procrastinator's deep dive by Magicdinmyasshole
I think that you underestimate these new transformer models.
MrEloi t1_j4zdr04 wrote
Reply to comment by gay_manta_ray in OpenAI's CEO Sam Altman won't tell you when they reach AGI, and they're closer than he wants to let on: A procrastinator's deep dive by Magicdinmyasshole
I think that the launch of chatGPT was an early reveal, to make the public aware.
MrEloi t1_j4zdo52 wrote
Reply to comment by GreatBigJerk in OpenAI's CEO Sam Altman won't tell you when they reach AGI, and they're closer than he wants to let on: A procrastinator's deep dive by Magicdinmyasshole
OK. Listen to the words instead. They come to the same conclusion.
MrEloi t1_j4zdmot wrote
Reply to comment by Readityesterday2 in OpenAI's CEO Sam Altman won't tell you when they reach AGI, and they're closer than he wants to let on: A procrastinator's deep dive by Magicdinmyasshole
taken it to heart.
Hmm .. more likely beaten about the head for his temerity at launching chatGPT without permission.
MrEloi t1_j4zdib0 wrote
Reply to comment by No_Confection_1086 in OpenAI's CEO Sam Altman won't tell you when they reach AGI, and they're closer than he wants to let on: A procrastinator's deep dive by Magicdinmyasshole
Have you ever looked at how the transformer models work internally?
Having done so, I can see how these models - or something similar - could indeed become a true AI, maybe within a couple of years.
MrEloi t1_j4za6rm wrote
Reply to comment by dr_set in Getty Images is suing the creators of AI art tool Stable Diffusion for scraping its content by nick7566
True .. but there will be several years of legal cases and general mayhem before the big media houses realise that the game is over.
MrEloi t1_j4z9zid wrote
Reply to comment by Magicdinmyasshole in OpenAI's CEO Sam Altman won't tell you when they reach AGI, and they're closer than he wants to let on: A procrastinator's deep dive by Magicdinmyasshole
>I would have figured the billionaires and state leaders would have swooped in
I think that they got caught out by OpenAI dumping chatGPT into the open.
Perhaps Altman got sick of the secrecy and decided to do something about it?
Anyway, it looks like the secret is out .. and that OpenAI are getting smacked about the head. That would explain their sudden reluctance to release GPT-4.
MrEloi t1_j4z9kgp wrote
Reply to OpenAI's CEO Sam Altman won't tell you when they reach AGI, and they're closer than he wants to let on: A procrastinator's deep dive by Magicdinmyasshole
Good analysis.
Closely matches what I thought.
TBH I find his "cuddly innocent research scientist" persona slightly fake.
In reality, CEOs of major firms are tough, really tough. They have to be.
He is clearly being dishonest when discussing Google - he must have a very good idea of what they are doing.
So, if he can smoothly tell a lie there, what else is he lying about?
At the end of the day, the public will only be told, and be supplied with, whatever news and software they deign to let us have.
MrEloi t1_j4w90dd wrote
Reply to comment by pbhalava in Getty Images is suing the creators of AI art tool Stable Diffusion for scraping its content by nick7566
People do exactly the same : they read many books and then write a book .. which is effectively based on the author's prior inputs.
Totally legal.
MrEloi t1_j4w1s7l wrote
Reply to Getty Images is suing the creators of AI art tool Stable Diffusion for scraping its content by nick7566
Had to happen : the Big Players won't give up their positions easily.
For example, do you really believe that Disney will allow small firms to use AI to generate decent quality films & videos for pennies?
(FYI Disney managed to get the US Govt to modify Copyright law in order to maintain commercial control of Mickey Mouse!)
The huge firms have the money to drain the finances of the small players, even if there is no real case to prove.
They also have the money to influence Copyright law, and the like, to their advantage.
At the end of the day, it will be Business As Usual, with all the toys being owned by the rich and powerful for their own advantage.
MrEloi t1_j3rtevl wrote
Reply to comment by v_krishna in [D] Found very similar paper to my submitted paper on Arxiv by [deleted]
The same with TV: Baird, Zworkyin and Farnsworth.
MrEloi t1_j3r6x80 wrote
I think this is called 'syncronous serendipity'
MrEloi t1_j3hku55 wrote
Going all the way back to the Perceptron .. or maybe even earlier?
You'll be very, very busy!
MrEloi t1_j5lbqcw wrote
Reply to comment by TheDividendReport in In case the non physical job apocalypse happens, what will you guys do? by pehnsus
Good analysis.