
MrMitchWeaver t1_j6khkdc wrote

> Women's rugby is actually the fastest growing sport in colleges today.


In Argentina it's usually a men's sport and mostly upper class.

I'm actually surprised it isn't more popular in the US, IMHO it's a much better alternative to American Football. Similar but grittier and more fluid.


MrMitchWeaver t1_iziwq8f wrote

If the unit is the same but the magnitude is very different it does not make sense to use the same axis.

Take housing growth YoY, unemployment, loan delinquency, labor force participation rate, yield curve.

These are all expressed in percentage points but they have wildly different ranges and magnitudes. It would make no sense to use one single axis for two or more of those.

As I said in my first comment. If the series justify the double axis chart it makes sense to use it.

Creator needs to be honest and consumer needs to be vigilant. Same as it ever was.


MrMitchWeaver t1_izim1f2 wrote

First, that's because of the stymulus payments. It's an anomaly. We're not here to talk about the data itself though.

Second, if you actually look at the y axis it's not even a little bit misleading. This is the default setting for all Fred graphs. If you're showing a value starts at you are not going to start the Y axis at zero...