MrRedoot55 t1_jajepeq wrote
MrRedoot55 t1_jae4tfh wrote
Reply to comment by SirPiecemaker in [WP] "One drip of this poison is enough to kill a whale." The scientist points towards a table, but the beaker isn't there. Instead a silly coffee cup shaped like a beaker sits. You lower the not coffee cup from your mouth. Tastes like lemon-lime. by DistillerCMac
Nice work.
MrRedoot55 t1_jaa9h2u wrote
MrRedoot55 t1_jaa81wh wrote
MrRedoot55 t1_ja208u4 wrote
Reply to comment by an_do_91 in [WP] "Seeking wealth is not inherently evil. Like power, gold is a tool that can be used for both good and evil. Therefore, squire, when someone says that they "only in it for the coins", make them elaborate what are the coins for, THEN judge their character from that." by Virgonidas
Good job.
MrRedoot55 t1_j9xr12o wrote
MrRedoot55 t1_j9v8znk wrote
MrRedoot55 t1_j9pwtww wrote
Reply to comment by Professor_Entropy in [WP]You're a software engineer who is a communications geek. You learned Morse code. One day, on a whim, you blink "console" with your eyelids. A translucent overlay over everything appears, highlighting items of interest. A realtime programming loop prompt blinks eagerly by livebeta
Cool story.
MrRedoot55 t1_j9mybf8 wrote
MrRedoot55 t1_j9mu00l wrote
Reply to comment by sadnesslaughs in [WP] After the Christian Rapture happened to everyone's considerable shock, those left behind (and those born to them after) all had a strange, unremovable marking appear on their foreheads. It took decades to translate, but the result was horrifying; "Do not harvest, not fit for consumption." by savagekingsavage
Nice work.
MrRedoot55 t1_j8nu66c wrote
Reply to comment by grudthak in [WP] You are kidnapped by the villain regularly, but you’re starting to look forward to it. You know they won’t hurt you, and are simply being dramatic. It also doesn’t help that you are the only person they ever kidnap. This time, the hero doesn’t bother trying to save you. by SkyGriff10
MrRedoot55 t1_j75o2sx wrote
Reply to comment by Heavenfall in [WP] Before its death, the ancient dragon imparted you the knowledge of dragon magic, which was a true honor to receive, but now every dragon hunter arounds think you're just another disguised dragon. Turns out they can smell dragon magic, not dragons themselves. by Red580
Oh. That isn't reassuring in the slightest.
Anyway, good story.
MrRedoot55 t1_j75h5w3 wrote
Reply to comment by Heavenfall in [WP] Before its death, the ancient dragon imparted you the knowledge of dragon magic, which was a true honor to receive, but now every dragon hunter arounds think you're just another disguised dragon. Turns out they can smell dragon magic, not dragons themselves. by Red580
Nice. So, for this whole time, was the protagonist in the wrong? Did they unintentionally massacre innocents and pillage every place they came across with their newfound power?
MrRedoot55 t1_j6vyig0 wrote
Reply to comment by FlaxxtotheMaxx in [WP] As a demon, you can't believe that you must concede defeat and offer a return on a person's soul. You tried to find every way to meet the transaction terms but could not. And it sounded like such easy thing too! "A soul in exchange for help with Comcast Customer Support" by trying2Bsocial
MrRedoot55 t1_j6o066a wrote
Reply to comment by cjjflick in [WP] Out of all the superpowers out there, you consider yours the most sadistic; you can save any number of innocent people from death in the face of danger, but to gain that ability, you must kill an innocent person. Named after the infamous moral thought experiment, you are... Trolley Man. by MarauderOnReddit
Good lord. The day was saved, but at what cost?
Cool story.
MrRedoot55 t1_j6nzuhj wrote
Reply to comment by randallfcooper in [WP] Out of all the superpowers out there, you consider yours the most sadistic; you can save any number of innocent people from death in the face of danger, but to gain that ability, you must kill an innocent person. Named after the infamous moral thought experiment, you are... Trolley Man. by MarauderOnReddit
He save lives at the expense of one other.
Can he be called a hero?
…perhaps it’s up to this “Trolley Man” to decide.
Nice job.
MrRedoot55 t1_j6lzg3z wrote
MrRedoot55 t1_j6lzcd8 wrote
Reply to comment by Rupertfroggington in [WP] A soul can reincarnate after they drink a bowl of magical soup to forget their past life. You've drank hundreds of bowls, but the memory is still as clear as day in your head. by Penna_23
Amazing work, as always. Though, I think the man watching his love's every turn is a little creepy... even then, I'm glad he isn't the obsessive type.
MrRedoot55 t1_jarfyf7 wrote
Reply to comment by Schroedingers_Dragon in [WP] You are a werewolf trying your best to live peacefully among humans, but your SO has just proposed to you with a ring of pure silver. You genuinely love and want to marry them, but you also have to somehow get out of accepting this ring. by Kitty_Fuchs
Good job.