MrRedoot55 t1_ishcl2m wrote
Reply to comment by WanderingCadet in [WP] "If you are hearing this message, then it means I'm dead. My attorney has been in contact with, and hired, each of you for a specific yet vague job. You'll need to get to know and trust each other quickly, so I'll be brief. You've real job is to make sure I stay dead." by Paper_Shotgun
Nice work.
MrRedoot55 t1_irs7rfa wrote
Reply to comment by jd_rallage in [WP] "Really?" The Dark Lord asked in disbelief, "This is the best the Chosen One can do? Screw it. If we're doing this, we're going to do this properly. I'll train you." 10 years later, your training is complete, but your time spent with the Dark Lord has given you some conflicting feelings. by IndependentWin6
Cool story.
MrRedoot55 t1_irnlvk7 wrote
Reply to comment by Surinical in [WP] A vampire has worked at the local 7-11 for the past 5 decades. No one has the heart to call the vampire out or slay them. A little because they're such a good employee, mostly because they think they're doing such a good job hiding the vampirism when they're really not. by Avalon_88
Good work.
MrRedoot55 t1_it8bkdi wrote
Reply to comment by Tartahyuga in [WP] You have the ability to see people’s kill count on their head. You tell no one, managed to stay away from shady people and live a peaceful life. One day, your 5 years old kid’s number is not 0... by guitarist2505
Well… at least she didn’t intend to kill so many people.
Good story.