
MrSchaudenfreude t1_j2vdk3w wrote

You want to see something interesting about PA. Look up who controlled the state house, the state senate and the governors office, for the past 30 years. Look at how many trifectas each party had and for how long. Trifecta being the party controls all 3. When your republican friend carrys on about how they don't like how PA is running, or it's laws you will know why.


MrSchaudenfreude t1_j2jeou3 wrote

The best part is if you make a a lot, you have it for days. It gets better if reheated in the crock pot a day or 2 later, when that Sauerkraut gets caramelized magic happens.

A question I have is how do you all like it better.

  1. Potatoes chucked up and cooked in it together.
  2. Potatoes mashed and cooked separately.

Also who likes it with Granny Smith Apples.