
Mrallen7509 t1_jcvk7fc wrote

I miss the Palace, but since COVID the Alamo is the only theater I can see a movie at where chucklefucks don't ruin the experience by having full volume conversations or bringing a baby that either screams and cries or runs through the aisles the whole time.

I'll gladly pay more once every couple of months to see a movie in peace and quiet, rather than gambling 15 bucks on the chance that someone won't ruin the experience for me.

I'd also say that moving to an "experience" model is the only way theaters are gonna compete with VOD. It's like 20-25 bucks for me to rent a movie to watch at home where I can control everything, and I'd pay that much for my wife and me to go see something in a theater. If there's nothing more than a big screen to attract people to the theater, people are gonna watch from home more and more. Not to mention the fact that turn-around on films from the theater to streaming is crazy fast now. Puss in Boots is already on Peacock. The Marvel movies are on D+ a month after they're in theaters, and WB's deal with HBOmax means a lot of smaller films end up streaming there before they come to theaters around here.