MunchieMunk t1_j50fq9g wrote
I've lived in the north side for about 4 years now, in one of the sketchiest apartments and it's honestly not that bad. Just mind your own business, if a homeless guy starts screaming randomly in your direction just keep walking, and try to stay inside during night and you won't have any issues.
Kinda feel like anyone that's familiar with "city living" (I know Springfield isn't New York) should have little problems.
MunchieMunk t1_izorsdc wrote
Reply to I just want someone to get high with by Peteyistick
Come February it'll be open for purchase at dispensaries. Then time any crowd 21 and older and You got smoking buddies
MunchieMunk t1_iy9w1a7 wrote
Reply to comment by mslack in Unicorn spotted, 2nd sighting. by blurubi04
What does this even mean?
MunchieMunk t1_ixzvoir wrote
Reply to comment by meganfrau in That's just too bad Johnny by keonijared
Yeah I thought we were looking at dead pixels for a second. My thought was, "Oh dang these screens just got installed, it's a shame a block of the screen is gone." Thinking that the black squares under the word holiday were the focus point of this post.
MunchieMunk t1_ix9tjvg wrote
Reply to Needing some input on deep cleaning. by [deleted]
OP, the dollar store is your friend!! You can buy almost ALL the cleaning supplies you need for general cleaning there. $20 there can clean your house twice over. Use the money you'll save on a vacuum, if you can spend the $50 rent a wet vac from Walmart for a day, it'll change your life.
Good shit changing your life OP. 2023 is going to be a clean and healthy year!
MunchieMunk t1_iww3iaf wrote
Reply to Is it really worth it though? by [deleted]
MunchieMunk t1_iwqbspt wrote
Hey bro, you don't know me at all so I can completely understand if you're wanting to pass on this- but my father is a really really amazing chef- he always makes extra turkey/ham and all the sides a person could ask for. He always has more than enough extras that he's always begging us to take home. If you DM a drop off location/address I would be happy to bring you a styrofoam take out box full of turkey, ham, and all the fixings you want.It's the holidays do you don't need to pay for anything.
I know it's hard to trust people cause you don't know what their kitchen looks like but trust me, this is coming from a well off, clean household that doesn't smoke, has no pets, and spent 15+ years in the food industry. So the quality of the food and cleanliness puts restaurants to shame.
Let me know OP!
MunchieMunk t1_iwqavto wrote
Distance or angle? I think one of the hills next to the public library on Weaver might be cool for this
MunchieMunk t1_j5jynob wrote
Reply to Looking to Move to Springfield in a Few Months by ImADecisionTerrible
Same advice I'll give anyone:
If you have money and don't want to drive a lot: South Springfield
Medium driving distance/medium cost: go live in Republic and drive into work
Lowest cost/Maximum driving: Live in Bolivar and commute in. (if you work in Springfield)