
MurderDoneRight t1_j1laec2 wrote

And a shitty life pro tip of this is giving impossibly hard clues and when they can't find it you tell them it's whatever expensive gift they wished for but they gotta find it themselves. Fun for the whole year!


MurderDoneRight t1_iwhacjs wrote

Yeah, like I mentioned in my first comment I don't really know anything so you may be right too. 😉

But I don't know, there's a lot of cool discoveries being done right now anyway. I did read up on quantum entanglement too because of this years Nobel prize winner in physics who used it to prove that the universe is not "real". How crazy is that?


MurderDoneRight t1_iwgkq9m wrote

If you want your mind blown you should look into quantum computers! They're insane! They can create time crystals, that's crystals that can change state without the need to add energy or loss of energy creating true perpetual motion! And with time crystals we might be able to create even faster quantum computers by using them as quantum memory.

And even though I have no idea what any of it means, I am excited because this is real life sci-fi stuff! There's a great mini-series called DEVS where they use a quantum computer and it's nuts they exists in real life.

And you might say "yeah yeah everyone has said there's new tech on the horizon that will change the world but it always takes way longer for anything close to be developed" but check this out: The IDEA of time crystals was thought up just 10 years ago, since then they have not just been proven to exist but we can create them and yeah deep dive into everything quantum computers are doing it's just speeding up exponentially every day!


MurderDoneRight t1_ituwj5q wrote

The Habsburg is not only one of the most inbred families in human history, they're also suspiciously involved in almost every european war. Remember Franz Ferdinand? Dude was a Habsburg.
