MycologistPutrid7494 t1_iua0y92 wrote
Reply to Building a 7'x4' game table. Does this quick sketch seem a reasonable way to build it? by user7618
To add to what others have said, I'd put the bottom bar on the inside of the structure. It'd look more polished.
MycologistPutrid7494 t1_iqyt431 wrote
Reply to TIL a German scientist named Alfred Wegener was ridiculed in 1912 for advancing the idea that the continents were adrift. Ridiculed as having “wandering pole plague.” or “Germanic pseudo-science” and accused Wegener of toying with the evidence to spin himself into “a state of auto-intoxication." by Hot----------Dog
My 8th grade science class did a mock trial with him as the defendant. It was a lot of fun.
MycologistPutrid7494 t1_iub4rbn wrote
Reply to LPT - Write your shooping list in the same order as the items are ordered in the supermarket. This way you won't have to go back and forth between the isles. by Nestorthemolestor
I like to put them in categories. Veggies, frozen, dairy....