
Mynewadventures t1_iyw372s wrote

Why would one think with prices skyrocketing that they would be more attentive? Huh?

What a strange connection. Do you think that they care about you? You personally or a community?

They care only about profit. ONLY.

They are a middleman, a clearinghouse that sucked you in with the promise of "low" rates. You grabbed the hook expecting that they would use some of that profit to make life easier for you.

You get what you pay for, and if you consider it that way, be a little happier.


Mynewadventures t1_ivz4bxy wrote

Horse shit. The State doesn't have to be in the pot business at all...just like it doesn't need to be in the liquor business.

Liquor would still be legal if we had privately owned liquor stores.

There is ZERO reason to not legalize so people could grow, harvest and sell privately except for MONEY. money for the State and those in power.


Mynewadventures t1_ivw0ht3 wrote

That sounds like communism or fascism; the State owning industry. Not socialism.

Something being illegal should not have tax income strings attached. Is it "wrong"? If it is a "wrong" and illegal. If not "wrong" don"t make / keep it illegal because you haven't figured out how to maximize profit. That is definitely wrong.


Mynewadventures t1_ivvzx6p wrote

It boils down to an even more nefarious intent: Our rulers are still keeping pot ILLEGAL until they can figure out how to MAKE THE MOST MONEY FROM IT, not only for the government, but for THEMSELVES

Something illegal should be WRONG, not illegal because money can't be capitalized.

We are nothing but open wallets to our rulers.