N0VUS33 t1_iuewasg wrote
Reply to comment by Ed_Derick_ in Goal of limiting global heating to 1.5C ‘more fragile’ than ever, says Cop27 chair by ultimateHelmetHead
But it is a cycle. Repetition equates a pattern aka cycle.
N0VUS33 t1_iud7qv1 wrote
Reply to Goal of limiting global heating to 1.5C ‘more fragile’ than ever, says Cop27 chair by ultimateHelmetHead
The temperature will increase and fall regardless of what we do.
N0VUS33 t1_iuf67xy wrote
Reply to comment by Ed_Derick_ in Goal of limiting global heating to 1.5C ‘more fragile’ than ever, says Cop27 chair by ultimateHelmetHead
I like your optimistic outlook and I would agree there is an acceleration effect derived from human action but even if you got the entire western hemisphere onboard with "going green" it still doesn't counter the effects from any pollution from eastern countries.
Fear can also serve a purpose, good and bad. I have diminished optimism for society as it stands but I think venturing to electrically derived means vs oil/coal can also lead to questionable post derived actions. Trillions at stake in that market, do the Saudi's simply stop production? What about other families, companies invested in its production. We can rubber stamp a switch date but before that the industry will bite back, even at the cost of life.
Nature does what nature does.
Food for thought.