N8CCRG t1_iu0jfr7 wrote

You use the word respectfully, but then the rest of your comment is quite disrespectful. Just adding that word to the beginning doesn't change that.

As I thought would be clear from my comment, I read multiple independent sources. All appeared to be trustworthy established news sources (Colorado Public radio, Denver Post and local NBC affiliate, in addition to this one which didn't have a lot of detail). All of their accounting of the events matched the interpretation I recounted.

One could believe that these independent and competing news sources all collaborated to falsely describe the events that occurred, or something similar. Or one could acknowledge that is more than sufficient to reach a conclusion cautiously described as "It sounds like," which indicates it may not be accurate, but it's a reasonable starting point.


N8CCRG t1_itzo2da wrote

This article didn't have a lot of detail, so I googled and read a few more articles. It sounds like he didn't distract them, they distracted themselves. They could have chosen to just ignore him entirely; he wasn't actually interfering in any way. They instead chose to focus their attention on him.

Sounds like the jury made the right call here, 100%.