NGNSteveTheSamurai t1_j1qfil1 wrote
The original run of Arrested Development. So many layers and callbacks that made it funnier and funnier.
NGNSteveTheSamurai t1_iyblv5t wrote
Showrunners aren’t usually directors.
NGNSteveTheSamurai t1_iyblq2t wrote
Why the fuck would Hitler be in a prehistoric land?
NGNSteveTheSamurai t1_iybl1iv wrote
Kids WB, Nickelodeon and Fox Kids. When the cartoons were over I would watch In The Zone, a MLB show geared towards kids, on Fox.
NGNSteveTheSamurai t1_ixwcquh wrote
Reply to What is the worst TV network? by Calm-Hovercraft9858
No you aged out of a channel that is meant for children with different tastes.
NGNSteveTheSamurai t1_ixv91hb wrote
Some boarding and prep schools have houses. That’s not something Rowling invented. She took things from real life and just applied them to a school for magic.
NGNSteveTheSamurai t1_ixmcjgl wrote
Reply to comment by Jokobib in What is the exact moment that a show jumped the shark for you? by [deleted]
There’s an entire scene earlier in the season that foreshadows what the ending means. They even replay it at one point.
NGNSteveTheSamurai t1_ivmkzjp wrote
Reply to SAS Rogue Heroes - Peaky Blinders creator's followup is utterly brilliant with a similar vibe by nevereatpears
The most important question: will those weird “success” meme pages use stills from this like they do for Peaky Blinders?
NGNSteveTheSamurai t1_iujeg6e wrote
Reply to comment by ricardo9505 in What is about friends that people deem “problematic” by gtreble9
The point of Archie in All In The Family is to lampoon racists. The jokes in Friends punch down and don’t make the person making them look like an asshole the way they did with Archie.
NGNSteveTheSamurai t1_iuj12oz wrote
When H20 came out the title was mercilessly mocked.
NGNSteveTheSamurai t1_iuaewy3 wrote
Reply to comment by Main_Tip112 in What novel to movie remakes were subject to legal controversies because of content of the movie? by Hardy289
He was probably thinking “Cocaine is awesome.”
NGNSteveTheSamurai t1_itrhguw wrote
Reply to What are some good stories where the main character is not the leader of their group until later? by [deleted]
Mad Max: Fury Road
NGNSteveTheSamurai t1_itiw4ku wrote
Nah man the whole conceit of the movie is what if a slow person didn’t realize they were a part of a bunch of historical events?
NGNSteveTheSamurai t1_j2aerog wrote
Reply to comment by Holdmypipe in how would you feel about a 'cliffhanger wrap up series?' by ArdentFecologist
Having just rewatched it for the first time since the initial run, it’s pretty obvious that Tony dies. At one point they replay the conversation between him and Bobby about what being killed must be like. There’s no reason to replay that scene if it didn’t hint at what happens at the end. I agree with David Chase. You didn’t need to see him get murdered. It would have added nothing but more blood in a series that had plenty of it.