
NHiker469 t1_jdqrt7k wrote

As they should. You can’t serve drug laced food to your customers and not be expected to shut down.

Put some actual safe guards into your process and try reopening under a new name and location in a few years. Cross your fingers you’re still not known as the ice cream owner who served drugs to their customers.


NHiker469 t1_jdqrlbn wrote

No. They need to be shut down.

Apparently it was one tub of ice cream from the processor.

Ever play the game “one of these doesn’t look like the other”.

It sounds like there was absolutely no process for double checking anything, let alone single checking.

You can’t serve drug laced food to your customers and be expected not to shut down. Period. Hard stop.


NHiker469 t1_jdqocxu wrote

That’s the problem. There were so many ways for them to double check and cross check what they were serving to their customers for ingestion. Instead, they just took their word for it.

Anyone example of accepted mediocrity.

“Someone else will do it.” “Someone else’s problem”.

Fuck outta here. If you serve THC laced ice cream to your customers you need to be shut down.


NHiker469 t1_jdqh8v1 wrote

What an egregious fucking oversight.

Both the ice cream establishment and the distributor of the ice cream should be shut down indefinitely until a thorough investigation is done.

And then, shutter one of the completely.

Edit: ok, my mistake. Upon further investigation, both places need to be shut the fuck down. You can’t serve drugs to your customers. Hard stop.

Edit: Sorry, folks. I’ve been muted by the napoleon like mod who calls himself a NH resident. Have a good day, shorty.
