
NPRjunkieDC t1_j214vdh wrote

I'd be surprised to taste one tastier than Popeyes or Chick-fil-A (struggle with their anti-gay stance but respect them for closing on Sundays , even though that costs them probably tens of millions ).


NPRjunkieDC t1_j1rao9x wrote

When a group of migrants arrived in NY, the discussion was if they could be housed on a boat.

What many don't understand is that these migrants come here to work. They usually have family back home that are dependent on the few dollars they can send .

They are hard-working people. They don't come here to become a public charge. Their kids need to attend local schools, but that is a win/win if these kids can have a better chance in life .


NPRjunkieDC t1_j1qo4zc wrote

I don't know the specific names of the charities involved . I heard this morning they had buses waiting to take them to a church where they had warm food . Then they had buses to help them get to their final destination where the migrants have friends or family .

Thank God for these volunteers on Christmas day and one of the coldest days ever.

Friendship Place + Central Union Mission + World Central Kitchen are the ones I donate to monthly that help the homeless or less fortunate.

The director/CEO of Food for America once or twice stood in line for food during a difficult period in her life and was struck by the kindness and no judgement.


NPRjunkieDC t1_j0n3mob wrote

Or come to Atlanta.

SF + LA + Denver + Seattle + Chicago + Boston + NYC + DC + Miami + Atlanta. 10 major cities not incl TX.

Atlanta only cheap real estate out of the 10 cities.

Bought condo good location Atlanta .210K 780sf one bedroom + one bath. Put in 70K and new location for kitchen and bath + added half bath + new location washer dryer + new floors + new molding everywhere + knocked down 2 walls . Ended up 2BR + 1FB + 1HB with 70K so total 280K.