
NPRjunkieDC t1_it094re wrote

On a Tuesday this 14 year old was supposed to be in school.

I was at ANC meeting where we were told 24 year olds are considered youth . Because it has been shown that the brain isn't fully developed until age 25.

I doubt they put them in a juvenile jail . I've heard of putting juveniles in an adult jail but not the opposite


NPRjunkieDC t1_it06lpe wrote

I went in person to clear an issue that I thought would take time researching. The person who helped me after a few minutes discovered that they had made an error transcribing the paper copy filed .


NPRjunkieDC t1_iskb30d wrote

The problem is the build it and they will come. Eckington + Hill East + Bladensburg Rd + H St are areas notorious for gang relatec violence that were off limits to most of us living in NW . This is where many on here have chosen to live . At your own peril I would say .

The new buildings with rooftops and other amenities are what attracted many but it's a very high cost to pay .
