
NatLawson t1_j9vtank wrote

Or .. or. I could be you are mindless in your unbelievable self deception. This country subscribes to institutional racism as enshrined in our constitution.

Until Americans repudiate institutional racism, constituionally constructed racism, religiously endowed and supported racism - there is no solution. Image, your car, confiscated on the whim of a institutional enforcement strategy?

Racism is wrong and illegal and immoral. It is also wrong to be dismissive about complaints from voters snd taxpayers about the behavior of police.


NatLawson t1_j26md8k wrote

I knew them idiots was gonna do this.

Now the payouts. Millions for an officially sanctioned beat down. They should have got that woman who faked that young child into believing his iphone was hers. That would have been some stuff.

Is there a video? Of course there is.

Idiots. Why are idiots in charge? It's almost like whoever is in charge is an idiot.


NatLawson t1_j1rsy3t wrote

Hey, cool comments.

There is an isolation between costs and supply. Considering advancements in electric supply, fusion experiments, just as fossil fuel, advancements in electric supply will improve. Truth is the infrastructure is already in place.

I am also a skeptic. I have to be convinced.

This is a confession, it's gonna happen. It's sooner than later. Mass transit will be electrified. We will be better.


NatLawson t1_j1rgslu wrote

Actually - electrification in the 40's and 50's drove innovation for 50 years in every part of the country. Surface fleet mass transit, in line with pedestrian traffic innovation like bike lanes and streets with limited traffic are the beacons of modernity implemented by this change.

Combustion engines pollute the air we breathe but also create congestion and unsafe vehicle traffic. Electric fleets, transportation fleets, sanitation fleets and maintenance fleets grow the idea of accelerated use of viable modern technology. Costs, in the time of war and health emergencies should not cause us to abandon modernity. We should embrace modernization. I ask you to embrace the idea that innovation in our city has always led to fantastic benefits. From the docks to factory infrastructure to industry development, our cities infrastructure leads to massive efficiency. Electrification of our mass transit systems are only part of the grand vision. We should move forward. I should hope innovation also provides better safety and convenience as the fleets mature.

Right now, you can time your bus to the minute. Combustion engines are part of the past. Full steam ahead, to the future.


NatLawson t1_j1r3sk1 wrote

Electrification is "hands down" a good bet. Charging technology notwithstanding, the reliability of the resource is outstanding. The cost of electric supply is simply less volatile than the oil supply. Now is a market anomaly due to war and the post epidemic period.

Don't let any of this fool you.

Electrification changes the state of being of most individuals and may welcome an inexpensive alternative to single use vehicles in our cities.

Imagine if you could reserve a cabin to travel to and from most places in the city? Would you rather have a private cabin then an Uber or packed bus or open train car?

Electrification will lead to a seamless trip to any place and a safe journey home for most New Yorkers. Blended surface to under transportation and "pod" travel will revolutionize our transportation and package delivery needs making it cheaper and more reliable.

Thank you modernity. Thank you causality. Thank you for the blind faith our mothers put into their children's hands.


NatLawson t1_iy5esat wrote

It's sad when the basic rules of decency are habitually violated. What messages do we send when we don't take an inmate's accusation of rape - seriously?

After 7 years, that inmate would have had to decide to conform to sexual predation or live with the violence of dominance by criminals in uniform. It is depraved indifference. This is inhuman and cruel. Anyone confined on Rikers must have the instruments to report violent predation. The corrections officers must police themselves.

Even those who could have aided the victim would have been silenced and further stifled. Now is the time for a truly in-depth investigation. You know, for sure, there's got to be other victims.


NatLawson t1_iws395g wrote

Steven Hawking suggest Imaginary number algorithms underlie "information" collected by a blackhole as it ages. I have begun to form and "opinion" that this process creates folds and eminates in space time.

Unlike a gravity well or a gravity field it is a coherence which produces a before and after, a past and future in a singular immutable direction. Quantum gravity aka "Quantum Time" is a consequence of this interaction.

Consider a photon travesl a billion light years to our eyes. The distance, at the speed of light without interference, is incomprehensible. If all possible outcomes of the photons travel are percieved space time would be indistinguishable. Instead, we perceive the photon within space time as immediate. Not that other coherences don't interfere? They do at massive scales, galactic scales as does the galactic scale of black hole interactions.