
NationalMyth t1_iyqs97q wrote

Charmingtons is maybe one of the more convenient locations for someone on the go. But holy heck their inconsistency is wild. There was a large air of apathy for a while around 2019 but that seems to have softened lately.

I've never seen a sadder bagel in my life. Toasted? Roll the dice. Cream cheese? We'll run a brick of it on your bagel and see what sticks.

That said, they are worker owned and definitely do what they can to provide for employees and community.


NationalMyth t1_ix4ops3 wrote

I have a serious Kryptonite chain, and I keep a cover over it. Register the chain with Kryptonite, and keep your codes written down. Their warranty claims to replace the value of whatever was stolen, assuming they break through the chain. Some folks add numerous locks, and thing to make it harder to roll away.

That said, any lock is a deterrent, and never a guarantee. Some folks Airtag their rides too.

I've had a Hyperscorpion for about a year and a half and it mostly stays locked out front. When I'm traveling for longer periods I bring it into my fenced back yard and keep my locks on it anyway.


NationalMyth t1_iua244o wrote

Reply to comment by pbear737 in Nice espantoon by FriedScrapple

The trope that someone in their 40s wanting a sexy costume is funny? C'mon dude there are plenty of other things I'm sure you can find to roll your eyes at, especially with the Mosby's.


NationalMyth t1_iu9z7e5 wrote

Reply to comment by pbear737 in Nice espantoon by FriedScrapple

I mean, people have a right to dress as a sexy whatever they want whenever they want. No one has to age out of their feelin sexy side.

Edit: I just want to state that I'm not supporting what they decided to dress as, but just wanted to guff at the idea that you can't dress as a sexy [whatever] in your 40s


NationalMyth t1_itzoumr wrote

I've got a super thick Kryptonite chain on my hyperscorpion. Registered, they claim to pay the cost of whatever the lock might fail to protect.

I've had mine locked around town, our back, and in front of my house for over a year so far.