NativeMasshole t1_j3ckacq wrote
You probably won't find bagels there, but check out European Bakery and Pastry off of Kelley Square and maybe you'll find a solid alternative.
NativeMasshole t1_j2xg2en wrote
Reply to comment by CannabisConfidential in I made a guide to all of Worcester's dispensaries, plus some info on how to order cannabis via delivery and some details on future cannabis businesses that are looking to open here. by CannabisConfidential
Nah, still having the same problem. I'm on mobile, if that helps you figure it out.
NativeMasshole t1_j2uz82a wrote
Reply to I made a guide to all of Worcester's dispensaries, plus some info on how to order cannabis via delivery and some details on future cannabis businesses that are looking to open here. by CannabisConfidential
This is awesome! I am having a problem though where every link in the directory brings me to the dispensary page.
NativeMasshole t1_j2rl7wd wrote
Reply to comment by bartnd in Has anyone changed electricity suppliers? by Rinleigh
Mass Save actually has a list up on their .gov site too.
NativeMasshole t1_j2q1j90 wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in Massachusetts laws that go into effect in 2023 by ak47workaccnt
Just because it's a fair argument doesn't necessarily mean I have to agree. I think it would put an undue burden on too many businesses who operate 24 hours, or ones which do the most business on weekends explicitly because that's when others aren't working, or small businesses. Which is why we ended up with so many weird exemptions. You aren't going to legislate Walmart into being a good employe. I'm all for worker protections and would love to see more unionization, so then employees could petition their employer directly if they think these provisions are necessary. That's the only way to break up our shitty labor culture.
NativeMasshole t1_j2pyv2g wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in Massachusetts laws that go into effect in 2023 by ak47workaccnt
That's fair. I disagree that it should pay more, but that's why we got democracy. I guess my bigger hangup is that uneven enforcement. There's 55 exemptions! I've worked in a few different industries, and the only one I can ever remember paying overtime for Sundays was retail. Not food service, which has the same problems. Not logistics, despite also being notoriously underpaid and often with odd hours. If it were updated and clarified with a more direct vision of what it's for, I would at least find that acceptable.
NativeMasshole t1_j2nn5x9 wrote
Reply to comment by goldengodz in Massachusetts laws that go into effect in 2023 by ak47workaccnt
Why should you need more incentive to work Sunday over any other day of the week? I wouldn't expect overtime if I worked a Wednesday to Sunday schedule.
What's more, there were already a ton of exemptions for a majority of job sectors. I just don't see any value or fairness in a law with such uneven enforcement.
Its primary purpose was to encourage people to go to church, and it has outlived that function. We shouldn't be clinging to nonsensical laws to alleviate issues that should be tackled more directly with laws actually based on modern standards. That's regressive thinking.
NativeMasshole t1_j2nkz8l wrote
Reply to comment by Hoosac_Love in Moving Advice Please! by mymoon03
Depending on where exactly they're working, the commute can be pretty horrendous. Also depending on where in Worcester County, the prices may not be all that much better, especially when you take the extra commute into account.
NativeMasshole t1_j2i96eb wrote
Reply to comment by traditionalsmoke01 in Homeless with a 3 year old by ItalianMama95
AFAIK, a verbal agreement and/or an extended stay is enough to make you a tenant-at-will, which would require a 30 day written notice to vacate.
NativeMasshole t1_j2i8329 wrote
Reply to comment by traditionalsmoke01 in Homeless with a 3 year old by ItalianMama95
Squatting would be if you had no legal right to be there in the first place.
NativeMasshole t1_j2i7z4t wrote
Reply to comment by SomeLightAssPlay in Why do we keep on increasing the number of roads even though statistically more roads create even more traffic? by [deleted]
Admittedly, I'm on here way too much, and I sometimes catch myself jumping on people for the smallest (perceived) things. Reddit really does have an overall kind of shitty, argumentative culture. Still miles better than the alternatives though.
NativeMasshole t1_j2i3u4v wrote
Reply to Homeless with a 3 year old by ItalianMama95
Depending on how long you had been staying with your ex, you may have tenancy rights and he would need to formally evict you. Not an attractive option, but better than being on the streets.
NativeMasshole t1_j2i31bu wrote
Reply to comment by Intrepid_Priority154 in Why do we keep on increasing the number of roads even though statistically more roads create even more traffic? by [deleted]
Yeah, I was just piling on.
NativeMasshole t1_j2i2r60 wrote
Reply to comment by Intrepid_Priority154 in Why do we keep on increasing the number of roads even though statistically more roads create even more traffic? by [deleted]
Where do we even have room for new roads? That's the whole problem in the first place!
NativeMasshole t1_j2hssy6 wrote
Reply to College Freshman by Nugget_4758
Anyone here not saying Atkins is just plain wrong.
NativeMasshole t1_j26ngea wrote
Reply to comment by DBLJ33 in This Dunkin’ Donuts has a conference room for customers. by argument_sketch
Some McDonald's actually have an event room too, which I'm sure you could book for a conference.
NativeMasshole t1_j1ze7uc wrote
Take her to Dick's Last Resort in Boston!
NativeMasshole t1_j1r8zq2 wrote
Reply to comment by Ilikereddit15 in Wind developers’ tightening financials call New England project into question by stewart0077
Seems more likely that they don't want to have to pay for any of the infrastructure to support transmission. We really should be investing heavily in the next generation power grid to support all the renewables, but that's kind of tough when they're all owned by some of the most hated private interests in the country. They don't want to invest on their own, we can't make them, and nobody trusts them with subsidies.
NativeMasshole t1_j1o8n95 wrote
Reply to comment by wgc123 in Shiva is back and begging for a job! by somegridplayer
True. Dude seems like he needs a mental welfare check more than he needs a job.
NativeMasshole t1_j1nc1ch wrote
Reply to comment by BigSteveSees in Shiva is back and begging for a job! by somegridplayer
Are we sure this isn't a spoof account?
NativeMasshole t1_j1jux4q wrote
Reply to Where tf is the snow? by Psychological-Bad937
You mad that we're not getting fucked by 3' of snow? I've been enjoying our more mild winters.
NativeMasshole t1_j1jsjkj wrote
Reply to comment by AceOfTheSwords in Apartments at former Fairway Beef to be new ‘front door’ to Worcester’s Canal District, architect says by HRJafael
Downtown is going to be a disaster once all these new apartments are built. The roads can barely handle the traffic load now. Plus, the lack of parking you mentioned. The city is going to have to make some massive infrastructure investments if they really want this revitalization effort to work.
NativeMasshole t1_j1huo7c wrote
Reply to How people afford life in MA??? by [deleted]
You move away from Boston, that's how. Which is why the lower middle class is being pushed out of central Mass. You would need to be making about $60k on a single income just to comfortably afford base housing around here. Nevermind getting into any of the nicer areas. I've got a decent job, I've got money saved, yet I'm stuck in a shithole apartment with my only options being to pay more for another shithole. I couldn't even imagine trying to raise a family here without both parents having a great career trajectory.
NativeMasshole t1_j1dwohn wrote
Reply to comment by Linux-Is-Best in Enjoy today's Christmas Eve weather by Linux-Is-Best
Yeah, I'm running to the grocery store in a bit and then hunkering down until I have to go to Christmas dinner.
NativeMasshole t1_j3jdgfn wrote
Reply to comment by spiked_macaroon in areas for go carts? by chewyma
Many of the trails in the area are technically restricted to only snowmobiles, since they don't tear up the ground as much. It's just never really enforced and everyone offroads on them anyway.