NativeMasshole t1_j9uyyij wrote
Reply to comment by chickadeedadee2185 in Don’t forget to clear your car off!! by aehsonairb
On the other hand, I saw a statey parked on the side of the road this morning who didn't bother to clean off their own SUV.
NativeMasshole OP t1_j9ou1gu wrote
Reply to comment by Bootlicker222 in Anyone working today? How are the roads? Stay safe out there! by NativeMasshole
Why is it always a Ram?
NativeMasshole OP t1_j9otsye wrote
Reply to comment by HighVulgarian in Anyone working today? How are the roads? Stay safe out there! by NativeMasshole
It's not so much the dusting of snow as it was the icy slush on the main road when I woke up. That and the continued possibility of freezing rain for the rest of the day, especially around my evening commute. Sometimes taking a pajama day is exactly what personal days are for. Sorry if that doesn't make me look tough on the internet.
Also, I just like to make these posts here so the community knows what they're dealing with.
NativeMasshole OP t1_j9oipep wrote
Reply to comment by spitfish in Anyone working today? How are the roads? Stay safe out there! by NativeMasshole
That's what I looked like out here, north of the city. I took a personal day. Fuck that.
NativeMasshole OP t1_j9oiic5 wrote
Reply to comment by Zinski in Anyone working today? How are the roads? Stay safe out there! by NativeMasshole
I already called out lol. I live way out of town, I'm not messing with slush and ice.
NativeMasshole t1_j9og6hg wrote
Reply to comment by Cohibaluxe in TIL NYC Photographer Jamie Livingston shot a Polaroid photo everyday for 6,000 days between March 1979 and October 1997. The first shot was of his girlfriend at the time and his last photo was on his deathbed, dying of cancer by Ok_Copy5217
So $15,000 over 18 years? That's not terrible for a hobby. I've probably spent more on weed in a similar time period.
NativeMasshole t1_j9jdryk wrote
Well they got it right that basically no new buildings would go up.
NativeMasshole t1_j9fm5rl wrote
Reply to comment by thefenceguy in If you’re looking for a job…. by jepppej
Thanks! Too far for me though.
NativeMasshole t1_j9ffa8m wrote
Reply to comment by thefenceguy in If you’re looking for a job…. by jepppej
Where is this located?
NativeMasshole t1_j9amzdz wrote
Reply to comment by BobQuasit in Study: New England Is Warming Up Faster Than The Rest Of The World by ha1r_of_thedog
It actually just barely beat the record set for that day about 100 years ago. It's the overall climate trends we should be looking at; winters have almost certainly become overall milder in my lifetime, with snaps of freak winter weather.
NativeMasshole t1_j97oc79 wrote
Reply to East Brookfield Water by Zent_Angelous
Send it in to get tested.
NativeMasshole t1_j932dg9 wrote
Reply to How are you all doing? by Lawlesslawton
I'm doing okay financially, but housing costs have made it feel like I'm failing. I've been looking for a better rental or to take the next step and buy for some time. With the cost of rent now, though, there's no way I'm going to sink that much money into something I don't own. Despite the prices, I was fairly close to being able to buy a condo or a small house, but the interest rate hikes shot that right back out of reach. And options are extremely limited, so anything within my price range gets snapped up too fast for me to feel like I can properly research the property. It's a mess. My only real option if I lose my current place would be to move back in with my mom.
NativeMasshole t1_j92bzm3 wrote
Got to love that Romance languages are listed separately from English and Latin.
NativeMasshole t1_j91sjzx wrote
Reply to comment by BigDaddyCoolDeisel in Vince McMahon Wants $9 Billion for His WWE Wrestling Media Empire by Sisiwakanamaru
Hey now, they were the WWWF for a while there!
NativeMasshole t1_j8zvagn wrote
Worcester Art Museum is free the first Sunday of the month.
NativeMasshole t1_j8zk514 wrote
Reply to comment by whereswilkie in A new place to call home by payter_m8r
Oh geez, just wait til you find out about western Mass!
NativeMasshole t1_j8uo1lv wrote
Reply to comment by Horknut1 in Catalytic converter theft by mellymellcaramel
I'm willing to bet that the assholes at the scrap yard paying out cash for piles of cats wouldn't give a shit if they're painted. They already know they're stolen. They don't care.
NativeMasshole t1_j8rzhdq wrote
Reply to comment by zamboniman46 in Why don't Worcester college students stay after graduation? by ocvictor
Plus, most the best jobs in the state are out east. A lot of the people moving here are either working remote or getting priced out of the Boston area. Why stay in Worcester when you can make twice as much an hour away?
NativeMasshole t1_j8pcak9 wrote
Reply to comment by WinstonGreyCat in Best Life Hack in Worcester? by CoolAbdul
Yellow light? Just get right on the ass of the car in front of you.
Edit: Also don't forget the race lanes! You see, if there's a lane split at an intersection, and everyone is waiting in one lane, it's because they know you're super important and need to use the race lane to cut them all off.
NativeMasshole t1_j8p421l wrote
Reply to comment by nato_fl in Worcester trash and Recycle everyone! by BigSteveSees
My work dropped them last year because they're so awful. They kept forgetting to empty our dumpster. We're located in the same damn plaza!
NativeMasshole t1_j8iu4hl wrote
Reply to comment by Visible-Education-98 in State's highest court reprimands housing court judge for conservative Facebook posts by rabblebowser
Real like the evidence for election fraud that Republicans have never been able to show in court?
NativeMasshole t1_j8icejr wrote
Reply to comment by Visible-Education-98 in State's highest court reprimands housing court judge for conservative Facebook posts by rabblebowser
Kind of like when right wing news outlets go around spreading claims of fraud and corruption with no evidence?
NativeMasshole t1_j8e4krf wrote
Reply to comment by NattyRak in What's the wait like at the new RMV on route 20? by elbaliavanuemanresu
I always went to the one in Southbridge. They've always been great. Except for that one time the state tried moving it to the Charlton depot on the Pike for no reason.
NativeMasshole t1_j8b7loc wrote
Reply to Stories/Pictures from the Ice Storm by dpceee
Oh yeah. You could hear trees absolutely exploding everywhere. It was crazy! We had the National Guard out here helping with the aftermath. I lived right down the street from the water tower in my town, so we got our power back on in a few days, but my mom's house is a mile away and without electricity for a couple weeks. We had a run of wild weather and some insane storms for a few years after that, but that's the only one I remember as being totally catastrophic. Even Snowtober wasn't as bad.
NativeMasshole t1_j9x0ic9 wrote
Reply to Worcester city manager concerned about telecommuting's impact on downtown by HRJafael
Sounds like a convenient place to knock down some buildings and put up some low income housing.