NativeMasshole t1_j68xu6t wrote
Reply to Boldly Go. by icedcoffee4eva
Entering Sandwich
NativeMasshole t1_j664wkr wrote
Reply to WooSox unveil new amenities and improvements at Polar Park ahead of third season by HRJafael
Has it already been 3 years? Wow! When is Google going to update our damn map?!
NativeMasshole t1_j619t4m wrote
Reply to Buddy checking in by Buckwheatking67
He ever get liftoff with those ears?
NativeMasshole t1_j60su1n wrote
Reply to comment by MonsieurReynard in Yankee Candle owner announces plan to close corporate headquarters in Massachusetts by NotSoPrudence
Try going in one of those stores around Christmas.
NativeMasshole t1_j5tifaf wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in Half of Harvard, Massachusetts, without power after icy-storm downs trees by [deleted]
You guys realize snow is WHITE?!?! Coincidence? 🤔
NativeMasshole t1_j5t8031 wrote
Reply to comment by bobmcrobber in Half of Harvard, Massachusetts, without power after icy-storm downs trees by [deleted]
I think they're lobbying for better mental health services.
NativeMasshole t1_j5t6ta5 wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in Half of Harvard, Massachusetts, without power after icy-storm downs trees by [deleted]
A small generator really isn't that expensive where it's a luxury only the wealthy can afford. And, as much as I hate National Grid, they've never had a problem working their asses off to get the power back on. Stop making up things to pretend to be outraged about.
NativeMasshole t1_j5t606u wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in Half of Harvard, Massachusetts, without power after icy-storm downs trees by [deleted]
You do realize this the small town of Harvard and not Harvard University, right?
NativeMasshole t1_j5cw9yi wrote
Reply to comment by warlocc_ in Your new friendly neighborhood moderator by Linux-Is-Best
It's exactly what they want. It gives the hate groups free publicity. People on this sub were literally sharing their propaganda for them! Any time one of these assholes hangs a sign in public, it gets posted online for far more eyes to see it.
It doesn't matter if you're doing it to hate on them. You think they've never been called mean names online before? They don't care, and it still spreads their message. What's more, how are we supposed to know that the propaganda isn't being posted by the hate groups themselves? I saw a goddamn rally invitation shared on this sub before the mods put a stop to the nonsense.
NativeMasshole t1_j5al3qy wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in Why did Sunday pay go away? by A_Man_Who_Writes
>guess it could encourage businesses to just close.
That's exactly it. Ironic that it's had the opposite effect and had people wanting to work on Sunday.
Anyway, it does kind of make sense from the religious perspective, because Sunday is supposed to be a day of rest where you don't work, so it's essentially the same as holiday pay. But that could also be considered discriminatory, since it only goes for the Christian day of rest. Also redundant, because Mass already has a day of rest law which requires at least 1 day off a week.
All the people calling it regressive to phase out Sunday pay are only looking at it from one extremely narrow angle.
NativeMasshole t1_j5a49az wrote
Reply to comment by mcemc3 in Why did Sunday pay go away? by A_Man_Who_Writes
This is what gets me. It was an outdated blue law which was meant to encourage people to go to church. What's more, it had such an uneven application that retailers were the vast majority of businesses who actually had to pay it. It was a shit law.
If people want premium pay on the weekends, then they should push for a law that makes sense in modern standards, is clear about what it's for, and doesn't have a million loopholes so that it doesn't disproportionately impact one job sector.
NativeMasshole t1_j53ljxa wrote
Reply to comment by WooNoto in Developer proposes 375 apartments at former site of Smokestack BBQ in Worcester’s Canal District by moisheah
I don't think that's ever going to happen without some kind of subsidization. Or public housing. Both of which have obvious issues. Other than that, nobody is building anything you or I could afford.
NativeMasshole t1_j4vwftl wrote
Reply to comment by bog_witch in This winter is a repeat of the winter of 2019-2020 by nba123490
🎶My hat, it has three corners🎶
NativeMasshole t1_j4vfpgy wrote
Reply to comment by ChummusJunky in This winter is a repeat of the winter of 2019-2020 by nba123490
Is this the new Groundhog Day tradition?
NativeMasshole t1_j4cgasf wrote
Reply to I'd like to get into D&D by spiked_macaroon
If you find it difficult to meet up in person, there's always Roll20 and a few other online platforms. I believe there's also subs dedicated to finding other players in your area. And, of course, That's E!
NativeMasshole t1_j4bxdbf wrote
Reply to comment by theartolater in My kingdom for a Bolt by theartolater
The qaulity control on Teslas is shit anyway. Imagine dropping $50k on a new car and it starts rattling or squeaking after a year.
NativeMasshole t1_j49qm90 wrote
Reply to comment by Puzzleheaded-Phase70 in Best Chinese buffets in the area? My daughter has finally started liking a few items and she's excited to try more. Finally!! But it's been probably 20 years since I've been to one in the area. Ty!! by Business_Fly_5746
I'm surprised it lasted so long. They definitely had an amazing selection, but I always felt like I was gambling eating there. And they didn't even have booze!
NativeMasshole t1_j49q9np wrote
Reply to Interesting Local Restaurants? by encantalasmontaas
Wholly Cannoli
NativeMasshole t1_j49p6dy wrote
Reply to comment by Puzzleheaded-Phase70 in Best Chinese buffets in the area? My daughter has finally started liking a few items and she's excited to try more. Finally!! But it's been probably 20 years since I've been to one in the area. Ty!! by Business_Fly_5746
I think that's the only choice in the area for a full Chinese buffet. Unless you want to drive a half an hour for basically the exact same experience.
NativeMasshole t1_j44lwea wrote
Reply to Who else is excited for the Market Basket on route 20 to open tomorrow?! by thedecentshepherd
Where is it on 20?
NativeMasshole t1_j3r8nte wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in Car Wash Suggestions by [deleted]
Absolutely, make, model, and year can make a huge difference.
Also whether you garage your car, have a private drive, or park in the street. Leaving it out in the elements is worse, and then street parking can lead to more dents, dings, and scratches for rust to work its way into.
Some areas even have salt restrictions due to reservoirs/watersheds.
There's a ton of factors. But one thing is for sure: salt corrodes metal.
NativeMasshole t1_j3qwvrm wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in Car Wash Suggestions by [deleted]
Yup. Washing the salt off can save you lots of money in future maintenance. The people here saying "rust free!" are probably talking mostly about body panels and wheel hubs, which are already protected thoroughly. However, your undercarriage has lots of nuts and bolts (and your exhaust) which can all get rusted together. Your mechanic will thank you if you wash your car.
Now the protecter that other commenter mentioned, that's a waste of money. Unless you're getting hand-waxed, everything beyond soap and water is probably just dye to make the water pretty so you feel better about spending $20 on a wash.
NativeMasshole t1_j3p9s9w wrote
Reply to Car Wash Suggestions by [deleted]
You really only need to go to the car wash that often when there's salt everywhere in the winter. Outside of that, I only wash my car when it's dirty. I like the Big Kahuna for their underspray, although the best way to do it is to get out and do it yourself (weather permitting).
NativeMasshole t1_j3ohqp1 wrote
Reply to comment by baldymcbaldyface in Why is Spectrum Internet so Shit? by [deleted]
I live out in the Quabbin area and mine works great, but my mom's two towns over and has had endless problems with them (and previously Charter) for the entire 20 years she's lived there. I think it's just a crapshoot with them on whether your internet works the way it's supposed or not.
NativeMasshole t1_j6d8d2c wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in The Connecticut River valley looking north from the summit of Mount Holyoke in Hadley, Massachusetts 1900 and 2022 by Redbandana325
That's just not true. Native Americans did manage the forsests to a great degree, but it wasn't until the 19th century that the landscape became mostly open farmland.