
Natsirk99 t1_iuqpt41 wrote

This will stay with him for the rest of his life. At some point he will grow up and reflect on the things he did. This will be one of those memories that creeps up on him when he least expects it. He will regret the choices he made and will feel guilty about the way he treated you.

We all grow up someday. Even if it’s those last milliseconds as our life flashes before our eyes.

You on the other hand, you will have grown stronger from this. Your skin is thicker, it’s harder for you to fall so easily. You will have lived and learned and eventually the person you’re truly meant to be with will find you. You will appreciate them that much more. It’ll take time, but you’ll get there. You will build up walls and they will have to break those walls down to get to your heart, which means they truly love you.

Be patient. Be gentle to yourself. You did nothing wrong. Stay strong. You’re almost done with these people and you can cut them out of your life. Life is too short to allow toxic people in and those people are so insecure about themselves and incredibly toxic. They will undoubtedly join Hustlers University because they have something to prove.

May God have mercy on their souls and the government have mercy on their rape victims.